
FF06B5 is the hex for the pink colour they use in the hidden Witcher triangle in the image above if that helps.

I was more into the Discworld MUD. Damn, I miss telnet games. Gonna have to download a client and look into it again.

Solid satire. Good to see not everyone forgot about Khashoggi

Mutant Year Zero is highly recommended from me. Fantastic game in a fantastical world.

I’ve only tried the wired way dude. I have heard other people saying wireless has issues too but I’ve misplaced my bluetooth adaptor to check.

Also works great on Xenia emulator. Uses 360/XBO controller and the control scheme is much better than the OG one.

It is less than that. Trainers were out on day one that allowed you to change the XP multiplier. So yeah, cash grab.

Its not possible to say Jet Set Radio. You always say JET SET RADIIIIIO!!

Thanks for the tip, I'm heavily dyslexic and I just throw whatever one feels right in.


and PC :D

No need, its multiplat :D

so you've used it have you?

And..... Its terrible. Its glitchy to say the least. Button presses (contextual) dont work a lot of the time. The audio just seems to stop sometimes. The graphics themselves are pretty much the same as the mobile version. I would love them to just get around to making the next multi-plat Deus Ex game and resign this

Pretty certain Attempted Murder is worse than plain old armed robbery.

I did a small edit. Need to view the full image to see it properly.

There is a mod for that!

That was awesome

They are apparently recycling them..... apparently.

nothing much, but asking me for a handy might be awkward :)