
Nope. Listen, I’ve loved Diablo from day 1, played Hellfire, used to wake up before school to grind for runes in D2, and enjoyed D3 post auction house, but there is no way in hell I’m downloading Immortal. Yeah, I could play for free, but number of downloads is still a metric Blizzard uses; number of “potential

Oh, look! Another article about how a public personality is offended by polarized opinions that run counter to their own! When WILL this anti-cancel culture end, I tell you!? These shrieking influencers are simply unbearable! It’s literally the worst thing to have ever happened to people without a public platform!

This is a terrible take.

“Sure, they’re giving out <addictive substance> for free, but we can just stop once they start asking for money. We probably won’t be addicted by that point...”

Many people can do what the article describes, play the fun free parts of the game and then walk once they start asking for money. A smaller percentage will

If spending thousands doesn’t get you the best loot, does that make the game not pay-to-win?

You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.

The Switch is the worst to hold though, the sticks are bad and it’s flat. Without a grip etc, I’d rather play the Steam Deck regardless of the game. I do have large hands though, but Switch portable is a terrible experience. 

It is amusing to note, given this lack of hierarchy, they happened to put their own game top of the list.

Well, it’s kotaku. There is no such thing as an honest review or neutral review. There are no game “journalists” here. There are just bloggers giving their opinions that are influenced by what they think will give the most views. This will also be affected by political, regional, gender, and personal bias. If they

“Not having used one” followed by “but it’s safe to say”

No. If you’re doing an honest review, omit these kind of things. I honestly stopped seriously reading this there since it shows there’s zero credibility here, but the rest is entertaining.

Post the specs, sure. Don’t say dumb shit like this.

You sound like those autogenerated celebrity news websites written in a sideways form of english.

Your guys either genuinly have zero idea or your working for a counter party. It’s earnings is more net a yeblahe blah blloe grah wha goo blueg gah.

That ad is tartgeted at YOU specifically by google, Kotaku has no say in what ads YOU see. How can you not know this?

What in the actual fuck are you on about?

lmao this is a good burn

Nah, we understand your fake money nonsense scam quite well, thank you. 

 Did that all make sense when you were typing it?

God I loved this show.