Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them
Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them
He went looking for a fight and found one. That isn’t self defense, except in Wisconsin and Florida.
Deus Ex is anti-capitalism. Final Fantasy VII has an environmental message, and is somewhat anti-capitalism. The Wolfenstein series is about killing the alt-right. Bioshock and KOTOR2 are both critiques of objectivism, which is a libertarian philosophy.
Let’s see the source on that absolutely wild claim about women being more likely to die in the year after having an abortion.
You ain’t from Canada. You’re not my neighbour. You don’t know how to spell “favourite” or properly pronounce “Toronto.” Get out with that poser shit.
Wow, please shut the fuck up and stop giving my country a bad name.
Where do you find the stats on how much sex Destiny players are having? LOL
You’re full of shit. Women are 14 times more likely to die in childbirth than they are to die from complications from an abortion.
I’m proud of Bungie for standing firm on this one. I’m glad that they’ve shut down the people calling for them to shut up and stick to games. They are showing that their company values are more than just trite phrases, and that they believe in something.
Gonna guess you never played Zork because politics have always been part of gaming
I mean they are a company that employees women, so you know they do have a stake in their health and well being. Also the men working at that company most likely have mothers, sisters, wives, etc that they care about.
Why do all of these MAGA anti-women idiots have their profile shots as them in their car wearing sunglasses? And why are they all bald white men?
Chances are those companies will move out of state, and those states will lose tax revenue.
Unlike Disney with its theme parks, it’s relatively easy for most companies to move to state that doesn’t take away the rights of their workers.
You underestimate the fiercely misguided religious.
Let me guess, zero of the people who has told Bungie to be silent about this are women?
As long as everyone remembers to take their outrage to the polls and VOTE ALL THESE FUCKERS OUT, nothing can change.
Fantastic. The loudest morons in the room are the ones you shouldn’t care about keeping apart of your fanbase. Let them cry those sweet, sweeeeeeeet tears.
“You’re a game company, stay out of politics!”
Translation: Stay out of politics I don’t like/am trying to ignore!
Massive respect to whoever is running Bungie’s social media for posting this as well as calling out the insecure worms whining in their replies about it.