Imagine the worldview necessary to believe your leisure time requires “monetization” to be of value.
Imagine the worldview necessary to believe your leisure time requires “monetization” to be of value.
Phew. Thank heavens he thought of this after he left Nintendo eh?
Pretty cool* how every one of these kinds of statements includes the phrase “if it makes sense” without acknowledging the reality that it will never make sense.
“And when I’m ready to move on to something else, wouldn’t it be great to monetize what I’ve built?”
Wow, talk about eroding your own legacy.
>when I’m ready to move on to something else, wouldn’t it be great to monetize what I’ve built?
A lead game designer saying something incredibly stupid to a group of people who paid a shitload of money to be in that room and getting roasted over it is definitely the same thing as a minimum wage, overworked fast food person getting shit on by a random stranger over sauce.
Remember how Torchlight 3 started as mobile but got ported to PC? I’m not saying it’s bad as such, just lacking that indefinable ‘fun’ quality. I fully expect this to be much the same.
Maybe the title should be ‘Diablo Immortal’ Is Hitting The PC Because Players Will Avoid It Like The Plague On Mobile
I can see how a action figure with interchangeable genital’s affects you. Such a big deal lol. Though reading the rest of the article, sure one could argue it targets you. But lets be real, do most CIS people drive around and say “Oh, a trans person, lets run them over/kill them!” Nope.
It’s a video game mate. Grow a…
Cops in real life have a high chance of being murdered, so why not remove them?
The GTA series has almost always been about mockery. Everything is on the table. Politicians left & right, nerds, hip hop, jocks, hispanics, rednecks, gay people, weed smokers, reality tv, billionaires, you name it. I guess the times are changing? It makes you wonder what GTA6 will be like...
She is 90% plastic
The girl won the genetic lottery. She should just continue flaunting it, taking money from the simps, and stop acting like she’s anything else other than that. You made your bed, now lie in it...and photograph it.
Can we call this what it is? She made her money making mild sexual content for kids under 18. Is that all that watch her? Of course not but lets not pretend it’s not a large portion of her audience. Lets be real. She’s a borderline pedo and it’s gross.
Well, on the bright side, SNK’s dismemberment animations should get a lot better.