I really liked Sharp Objects but Dark Places was better. I'm waiting until my next paycheck to get Gone Girl.
I really liked Sharp Objects but Dark Places was better. I'm waiting until my next paycheck to get Gone Girl.
I get a small circle of goat brie at whole foods for 3.99 and cut it into five slices. My overall sandwich is about $4 per day when you factor in the on-sale deli meat, Ezekial bread, and fancy mustard I like. It's cheaper than eating out and pretty healthy, and I'm ok eating it every day, which is important. Other…
Edit because I skimmed a leetle too much and it's almost my bed time.
Haha! I just make a turkey sandwich with brie and spinach and toast it in our toaster oven. It's surprisingly delightful and I don't really have a problem eating the same thing for lunch every day if there is brie involved.
I make 5 turkey sandwiches on Sundays. If I don't, by Wednesday I'm eating at Chipotle.
I have always thought they were never really in a relationship and it was all tabloid covers.
That picture just really exaggerates how out of proportion those heads are to those waists. Creepy.
THANK YOU! I'm feeling validated for the day :)
Yeah, I also don't want to bang either of them and I'm not into Twlight (to each her own). It just never seemed all that genuine to me, like say Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes.
I wouldn't necessarily say that. I don't like to speculate on someone's sexual orientation unless it's a political hypocrisy thing, but I guess it could be a theory as to why they'd need to fake a relationship.
Why not? A wounded Edward would have much more appeal than a cheating one.
Exactly. The whole "engagement" thing wasn't playing up enough so a cheating scandal would totally get more press. Plus then there's the whole "Edward/RPatz is so wounded" to appeal to the teenage girls.
Does anyone else think that KStew and RPatz were never actually dating and it was all part of a tabloid PR money driving Twilight thing and now that it's over, they want to go back to their real lives?
Why does this merit a snarky blog post? I'm normally all on board with the snark, but really? As a former member of a sorority, I know the girls would be PISSED if the rush chair couldn't come back and a lot of them require a formal letter. She may have gone a little lengthy in the email but it's not like she's a…
I do have to say, he displayed some awesome skills in Huntsman when *Spoiler* he was actually the evil queen at one point. Like seriously good, so I have some optimism, even though he doesn't do it for me. It's not a looks thing, it was more a blandness, but that could have been his character in Huntsman.
I had this conversation this morning with a male friend. He conceded after I pointed out this article http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/apr/11/afghanistan-pregnant-war-female-embedded and told him he was being a sexist.
I could riff on that movie all day. Basically it comes down to a line from Pam from True Blood "[Snow White] and her magic fairy vagina!"
That's what I expected from Mirror Mirror: cutesy and Disney, which was fine, but I was in the mood for a dramatic recapturing. I think I was expecting Huntsman to be the Dark Knight to Batman's Snow White and I was sorely disappointed.
I thought Huntsman was going to be good. I was disappointed. Didn't even bother with Mirror Mirror.
But if we acknowledge that poor people are sometimes poor because of reasons beyond "they're dumb poor bunnies" then we might have to acknowledge that our current government and economic system is a little broken, but we all know CAPITALISM and the FREE MARKET takes care of the smart people who try to pull themselves…