Punkin Skywalker

As a straight woman who doesn't give a crap about seeing boobies, I very much agree with you. Also, this is what the books are like. Even Catelyn gets Stark naked in the first book and they keep Michelle Fairley pretty damn covered here.

Though you've fixed the one instance of mistaking Holmes for North, she's mentioned several times.

It's Anna Holmes, not North who wrote that WP article and the link is wrong.

Brienne of Tarth is a moeffin badass. In my happy Game of Thrones world, Arya is her squire.

Sounds like someone went to the Lord Randyll Tarly School of Pastoring and Getting an Acceptable Male Heir. If all this violence doesn't work, send him to the Night's Watch or threaten to arrange a "hunting accident" so as not to upset your wife.

Maybe that's why we have such trouble breeding them in captivity.

Or Yunjin Kim? Was on a little show called Lost not too long ago.

Grace Park?

Clearly you have low levels of oxytocin or something.

I do love when TV shows/entertainment get us to actively work out our societal issues through how people can interpret the show, which would be genius on Weiner's part. I think Game of Thrones does this exceptionally well also, and Hunger Games definitely did as well (got the viewers to play out the prejudices in the

OK, factoring in Peggy's awkwardness, it does work a bit more than I thought. I was just thinking of myself being like, "well of course I'd grab my purse" but then there's the whole "I need to be more superpolite so she doesn't think I'm racist, but a part of me is but I don't know it" aspect on Peggy's part.

So I really thought the writer's could have done a little bit better with the Peggy's underlying racism bit. While I totally think it was awesome that they showed that even though she's really liberal and trying to be anti-racist and accepting, she still has some underlying negative preconceptions about black people.

They're not dolls, THEY'RE ACTION FIGURES!!!

One trying to take proactive action against bullying.

Relevant link and one of the best articles I've read on this in a long time - [www.danoah.com]

I've gotten to the point where I fully believe that if the Goz and I were dating, he couldn't possibly live up to the hype. Like seriously? He's on a huge fucking pedestal and it must really be hard to live up to when you get down to the nitty gritty of life. WHAT ARE HIS FLAWS?

I liked this better when it was called the holoband and I could program my personality into it so I would survive after my boyfriend blew me up in a terrorist incident.

I really like using small snippets of HTML formatting in the form of bulletted lists and bold to emphasize something is important. Other than that, screw you if you use colors, if you don't use acceptable grammar, and I can't tell what you mean. Also, if one more person uses "Please Advise" to end their emails, I

It was a combination of relief and also sadness that I could no longer eat whatever I wanted and it really was my fault I'd put on 30 pounds in six months. There was a lot of tears, but then again, I was crying a lot anyway. I had just come through a really tough few months (moving to a new city; losing my first job

Agreed. I just went through the same thing as Betty (thinking I had a thyroid issue, when I was just gaining weight the good ol' fashioned way). I even had the same reaction as her (the "great, now i'm just fat" reaction). It was completely irrational and I knew it at the time, but my boyfriend, who lovingly saw me