Punkin Skywalker

You can get arrested for prostitution with the evidence being that you're carrying condoms? I don't give a shit how many condoms I'm carrying, it doesn't mean I'm a sex worker. That's the stupidest reasoning I've EVER heard. There are so many other possibilities. Water balloons for instance.

When I saw "single exposed breast," I pictured some of the outfits Daenerys Targaryen wears in Qarth - [awoiaf.westeros.org]

I started watching The Room. For a long time, I didn't ever want to have sex again. I know it's one of those "so bad it's good" movies, but I was just really uncomfortable for 45 minutes until I turned it off.

This year, I'm having an Original Trilogy on VHS marathon with my boyfriend, with his favorite meal: Pizza. I'm excited.

My Worst Valentine's Ever (and this tops getting dumped the day after Valentine's Day) - I tried to do the friends Valentine's Day dinner thing. You know, when two single ladies decide to be each other's dates because the men in their lives are unreliable and what not?

"The administration has told recipients of federal grant money that they're not to discuss abstinence in their sex ed programs,"

I've done this a million times. You let someone know where you're going beforehand. It happens every day without disaster.

Next up comes his rant on the Snuggie, though since he's clearly displaying some caveman like attitudes toward women, I'm guessing he crawled out from under a rock recently, so we might give him a pass on his lack of timeliness.

Ugh I read a little further. I'm also disgusted with his idea that every family with two parents who went to college went on yearly trips to Europe or something, instead of just the local rocky seashore. Whose parents were those? They certainly weren't my college-educated parents or pretty much any of the college

I had to stop reading after the first few paragraphs since his methodology was flawed and he just decided to not include anyone with "cultural differences" like skin tone or heritage. Seriously? Right off the bat you're just going to focus on white people? It is not an accurate picture of history if you only focus on

What I got from the first few paragraphs of the original was: "Please stop noticing the economic and cultural disparity that has always existed, but never really talked about. It's always been there, but let's just stop noticing it and keep the status quo."

Where did you see that?

College? Bullshit. We totally did this on the bus in elementary school.

I'm offended they thought that would offend women.

No lie, I was tempted but I suffered from a delayed reaction, so not until I was safely home.

I wasn't sure if she explicitly lied or Daniel just assumed based on her reaction and his 'my mommy is perfect' mentality.

Yeah, he's not a total dick, and could actually benefit from a lot of the advice in this post himself. When he corrected himself, it was totally what I already knew I needed to get better at.

What perfect timing. I just had my performance review and was told I needed to be more of a "prom queen" by my male boss. I thought about that for a few days, went back and told him the terminology was problematic. He really just wanted me to listen to people more and read their reactions and be a people person,

Way to already blow her secret identity parents.