Punkin Skywalker

It's a guilty pleasure for me, I'll admit that. There are some cheesy points, but I just like watching the reinterpretation of fairy tales. I live for that. Plus, the guess spots with Emma Caulfield and Pam from True Blood as other fairy tale witches was just awesome. I loved seeing how bad ass witches would totally

Not only does Snow White in Once Upon a Time wait for the Prince to get better, she lives in the forest as a bad ass who can handle trolls (which the Prince fucks up for her). I also loved the flip of the Prince being in a coma in Storybrook and it's her that wakes him up.

My mother was in a similar situation with her mom a while back. My grandmother was a severe alcoholic who had 11 kids born healthy. They were all very lucky. The last was still born because her alcoholism was so bad at that stage. They begged and pleaded with her to get sterilized, but she believed "the number of kids


THat's a good idea. I do a similar thing with my hair under the swim cap since the back got so damaged from the chlorine seeping in.

I feel you on the Vaseline. As a swimmer constantly exposed to the fantastic dry-skin enhancer that is chlorine, I spent many a winter's night with my legs jellied up with vaseline and wrapped in a towel held on by a series of puffy scrunchies. I had weird marks on my legs in the morning but they stopped itching and

I think there's a larger statement about the willingness of Hollywood to show a naked woman in all her glory, even for no purpose, but never, ever a fully naked man. Something about manhood and the male gaze and lots of feminist theory stuff I'm sure I could develop if my trainer hadn't kicked my ass so hard at the

Michelle Williams makes me want to go all pixie cut again.

No worries. I was kidding. I hate that feeling from Sudafed.

So Sudafed can work as a diet pill? (I don't know how all that meth stuff works). I guess that would make sense considering I always feel like I have bugs in my hair and can't sit for 2 minutes to actually do something whenever I take it...

I swear I saw a Dolly Parton doppelganger in the grocery store a few weeks ago. Now, saying that, you might imagine the garish, over the top fashions, but no. This was a Dolly Parton with as you could imagine her without makeup and the costume. No one else was looking at this woman, but I was staring, thinking "Good

Agreed. Moratoriums on "cougar" and "boy toy." Other relationship describers to add to the list?

I am going to have to set that "cougar" filter on my browser. Can I set it on my boyfriend's dad too?

When I was a kid, my mom thought it was cute to tell us that the old boat molds of a neighbor's failed business venture (seriously, huge boats rusting in a field) were Biblical, in that "See Honey, Noah landed his arc up here." My parents are both atheists who took us to Sunday school to keep our options open.

Chip had a chipped tooth, hench the chip.

Hello Kitty is awesome, as is Wil Wheaton.

This is kinda how I met my bf, only it was through Twitter....

I will say that sharing my goals with one particular person has helped: my boyfriend. He makes sure he limits his pizza talk and hides his delicious snack food from me. This helps because I eat what is in front of me, regardless of whether I want it or not. When we were long distance, it wasn't a problem for me to eat

"It's possible that people who use a divorce support website may be more internet-savvy and therefore likely to use Facebook" - This might be just my circle, but I've found the more internet-savvy you are, the less likely you are to use facebook in the ways described above. C'mon. The internet-savvy are using Twitter

Well my reaction is different when it happens without cause. It's kinda giggly and I move around... just like when I toot (because farts are hilarious).