Punkin Skywalker

OOOO Is Rita Wilson doing a duet with Chet Haze! Mother son duet FTW!

That photograph is really powerful. At first glance, it looks like a woman is burning because of the angles of the veils.

Because making it harder to run an abortion clinic with more regulations won't lead to people saying "fuck it, women still need abortions so let's take this underground" where there aren't any regulations at all, let alone ones that will be ignored for 15 years while government officials don't inspect the clinics

Ryan, stop being so perfect. Please? Kthnkxbye Swoon sigh.

I'm just not seeing what's so bad about the ad. To me, she's clearly leaning over and looking for more chapstick with her hand in a "WTF did my chapstick go?" position. It looks a little weird, but her elbow could be holding her up as her hand communicates the gesture. She does need another finger though. This, to me,

Don't I know it. My mom is great overall, but she has these hang ups (my dad too, but he's not vocal in general) about people in their weight. They praise me when I lose weight, usually through triathlon training or swimming for more than an hour 5 times a week, but if I gain, they ask, "So, you still going to the

God I've thought about this for a long time and am so glad she articulated it. Often, when I used the word "fat," it not only reflected on the person I was describing, but the inner hatred I felt toward myself. I was never thin enough (and I still struggle with this), and every time I used it as an insult in the past

I'm squeeing. They look so cute!

I can't stand it when it's accompanied by a "hehe." "He he LOL" gives me the shivers and makes me think you are in middle school. Access to the fine china denied.

It's ok ladies, they're going to introduce a male version of Siri. His name is HAL and he is 100% committed to the mission.

We moved them from their native lands and onto oil reservations too! And then they thought it was selfish that we took some of that oil back.

My dad recommended that book to me, and there is a difference between sociopathy and psychopathy. Wikipedia says this: [en.wikipedia.org]



I mean, at that age, that's what's in their line of view. It's not like they can run around and look at your face.

Am I the only person who sees the commercials for Disney World and thinks "Wow, I would be so happy to go there" only to get there and be overwhelmed and miserable by the heat, crowds, rides that jar your stomach, etc. but pretend to be happy because you're supposed to be happy?

About the Little Spelling: Eh, my brother ran around wearing a baby blanket cape, upside down bucket on his head, and upside down sunglasses and tucked the bottom of his shirt into his collar when he was that age, dubbing himself "Prince Barebelly." When my mom asked if she was Queen Barebelly, he said, "No mommy,

Nope, because she's playing a feminist and feminists aren't sexy or stylish.

Two and a Half Men IS a condom commercial.

I'd also like to point out that handsomeness and intelligence are not prerequisites for jerkiness. There are some dumb ugly assholes out there.