Punkin Skywalker

It's not that odd, especially if you have your hair pulled back or have a wavy look. Short hair can sometimes curl more than it would if it was long, so the curl goes every which way.

OHHH, so the reason I'm overweight and in a relationship is because I have two graduate degrees. I was so confused because my self worth should be at zero since I'm not Hollywood thin. Thanks university!!!

Mint flavored brownies. NOM. Problem: so delicious you get munchies for mint brownies. Never ending cycle where you sit in a Papazon chair staring at a blank tv screen for 12 hours. Not that I would know....

I think based on all the circumstances, it sounds like it was a happy chance for the officer.

It might be different if he deliberately turned it up when Rush was making derogatory comments about black people and the woman was black. Her race isn't mentioned in this article or the original so I'm wondering if that is the case.

She's totally saying this so that we don't criticize her faith, which she's admitted she bases most of her decisions on. So, when it comes down to appealing to a mass population that isn't of her faith, something she's really not used to, when they point out that her religion is nuts, she can just say, "This is

That was a really awesome Target commercial.

You bleeding hearts just don't understand. It's the poor unemployed people's fault that this spending doesn't include them because they should have had the foresight to be bigoted attorneys.

Coming up next on Keeping up with the Kardashians: a very special 100th Kris and Kim wedding extravaganza!

He's going to be on Raising Hope. That show is awesomesauce!

He could probably tell you how it works.

I got the image. She's one step past Your Grandma and into Crazy Politician takes what Grandma Says at face value to further her Crazy Agenda,

Ok this lady has started to remind me of my mother, who, though a lovely woman, often hears one thing and then repeats it, while skewing the facts slightly so that the story sounds a bit more alarming than it is.

I can only speak to the Fila version of the Five Fingers (half the cost of the Vibrams), but they made the bottom of my big toes turn into one giant blister and I don't normally get blisters that badly. It might just be because they were half the price of the originals, and not as good, but you do have to work up to


Fleet Feet is awesome.

Yeah yeah yeah. You think dorms are disgusting? You should try my former sorority house. The landlords were such scum that they let raw sewage leak from the upstairs bathroom leak into my bedroom wall.

Hah. I spoke at a presentation and one of his friends was in the audience. His friend started following me and tweeted about something I wrote.

This is how my boyfriend flirts IRL. Luckily, we met on Twitter and he propositioned me with a Green Lantern replica ring. SCORE.

The real Zack Morris has a reaction to this.