Punkin Skywalker

I think it would be really awesome and groundbreaking if Kurt won the role of Mario in a slightly twisted but awesome WSS. He can be the lead, Blaine can get Tony and Rachel will have one part she's not in. AND THEN Kurt can have all the lovely male parts he wants ;)

It's amazing how a video of Ryan Gosling will turn even the most socially conscientious girl into a disgusting, creepy frat boy:

I don't really think so. I did have to stop wearing the Blue Sparkly Berry flavor because I tended to get glitter caught in my throat and go on coughing sprees.

Very soon, Jordi will launch a lipgloss line for all the twenty somethings that feel they are too old for Vanilla Cupcake Lip Smackers. It will cost 50 dollars per tube and even though Johnnie says he likes your flavor of lipgloss better, he will still date that awful Maria girl who wears Pink Lemonade.

Ugh I do not expect anything less from College Republicans. Last year, I read an editorial from a graduating senior musing on his years as an oppressed conservative on a liberal campus. His ideas were always shot down and he couldn't find professors who agreed with him. And then he tossed in a little "and everyone

Loved and hated this. Loved that she didn't give up her dreams for her relationship. Hated that she had to give up her relationship to realize those dreams. Hated that I still wanted her to be with Ben.

I have! It's delicious as well. My favorite remains Coffee Heath Bar Crunch and Bonnaroo is that with whiskey and caramel. NOM.

Slightly off topic - The Bonnaroo flavor is AMAAZING.

My aunt lost her hair because of her kids a few years ago. It's not always about the man.

Season Three. He totally rapes the German nanny down the hall while Trudy is out of town. His neighbor, the nanny's employer, comes to talk to him about it and basically says the girl is crying and upset and that if he's going to go after a nanny, stay out of the building.

I suppose I'm extra sensitive because I just watched the German nanny episode of Mad Men. I just want to shake Alison Brie and tell her to RUN RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN.

On the plus side, my cousins found some lobster in their cornfields that had washed ashore during the flooding. The corn was flattened but we're having grilled lobster dinner at the end of summer farm party instead!

Really? Pete/Connor? Rapist/Psychopath? Every time I see him on tv I say "SHUT UP PETE!" I just can't separate him from his gross characters.

Sounds like my uncle's attitude toward my aunt when she went back to school after the factory she was working in outsourced to Mexico. God forbid she get a nursing degree in order to be financially ok when he was laid off and playing World of Warcraft. Did I mention they're in their forties and fifties. Christ.

I'm really impressed that the entire wedding audience was color coordinated.

One time, when I was a kid, I shared the bed with a slightly older cousin who was a bedwetter until nearly her teens. I felt bad that she felt bad that she wet the bed so I wet the bed too.

My father grows tomatoes. Ripe, plump, flavorful tomatoes. Not once have I thought I could eat them. You are more than welcome to my share of tomatoes.

That's because raw tomatoes are blech, as are pickles. Tomatoes must be thoroughly seasoned and processed. Pickles should never ever touch other foods. They are the devil.

Thank you for this. The worst part for me is being 100s of miles away from my parents (who live near Schoharie) and hearing about the roads washed away and all my neighbors and family losing their livelihoods. The grandfather of a family I babysat tried to get to his farm across one of the rivers and now everyone is

Teaching Yoga on Dantooine.