Punkin Skywalker

Cleo Shellstone (I don't belong in porn; I belong on Dallas)

I logged in to say the same exact thing. I recently gained some weight (combination of temporary unemployment, moving to a new city and completely changing my routine and eating all my meals with my pizza-obsessed boyfriend and a series of bad events/circumstances that just piled one after the other ) and it was

Is this the reason I crashed my bike into someone's car door as they opened it, and just as it was starting to heel, got stung by a wasp (allergic) so that my foot swelled up and I could barely wear even flip flops for 3 days! WTF ASTROLOGY!?

Indeed, the word is applied too liberally. I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen women in all my acquaintance who are truly accomplished. You must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and all the modern languages to deserve the word. And something about her air, and manner of

I cried when I got laid off, but only because I got my first student loan bill the day before. Ouch.

When I was her age (maybe younger), I lived in a very peach neighborhood. A woman came to look at my house when we were selling it and her skin was brown. I looked at her and asked her why her skin was so dark. She replied, "Because I drink a lot of chocolate milk." I immediately asked my mother for more chocolate

"Illiterate headline-writing or deliberate distortion?"

My cousin sent me an invitation to her toddler's birthday party. Enclosed was a handfull of glitter. I was not pleased. That sparkly nonsense gets everywhere.

This is so excellent! I just had an interview at the original Mr. Rogers tv station and they still have the sets for Mr. Rogers in various places in the offices. It was so cute!

Historically, we've always been a very alcoholic society. The Puritans only got up in arms about it when it intensified relations with Native Americans. The only really temperate subculture were the Quakers.

I taught a course in blogging to a group of Girl Scouts once. It was basically just a tutorial of how to use Blogger software and what you could blog about. I showed them Tavi's blog and Hyperbole and a Half and then let them upload their own posts.

In some geek circles, yes.

My mom was a breastfeeding fiend and helped all of my (much older than me) cousins when they had kids, even going so far as to give them her old hand pump because the mechanical ones were much too harsh. I think they appreciated the help because my mom is a lady who will tell you breastfeeding is harsh, but if you

It's the devil.

I've lived in Upstate NY most of my life. Don't ever recall seeing them. Weird.

Home is definitely where the secure Wi-Fi is.

East Coaster here. What is Utz? (I'll Google, but I seriously don't know).

I'm an East Coaster and I have no idea what Utz is.

So agreed. I want Hailee as Katniss.

And then considering the Twilight fetishists, would then Stephanie Meyer be a pornographer?