Punkin Skywalker

My mom wears mine.

That's what the Internets is for. The cats have tried to make it about them, but they've made it possible to order things you ordinarily wouldn't want the checkout boy in your local Target to notice.

It's amazing the way they treated women in the 1670s. From scarlet letters to publicly identify infidelity to "virginity tests," it's just horrible.

Now playing

"I love my babies. Why would I want to push them away from me?"

I think maybe the most insulting part of the ads is that the people are supposed to be conventionally unattractive nerds who otherwise wouldn't get kisses/engaged, as if women who look like librarians and men who look like accountants are celibate by circumstance.

Any examples of the FBC shows written by women?

Your mom sounds a lot like my mom. Badger mother FTW.

Bullox. Money and expensive gifts buy happiness! You must be a communist!

It also means that 20 million children aren't buying cards for their mothers...

Raising Hope.

I definitely heard Artie in there, but the first singer I was unsure... I kinda can't wait to see the visuals on this.

So can anyone tell who is the main singer. It's overly autotuned (more so than usual Glee) which makes me think it's Mike Chang which means this could be an AWESOME dance number.

At least ONE of them said "I wish we had used protection."

I normally don't ask this of internet commenters, but will you invite me over for drinks?!?

This is refreshing news, considering i'm literally surrounded by men in a coffee shop.

"It's true that women still face graver consequences for some decisions than men do (men, for instance, don't get pregnant)."

I am so so happy to hear that. It's just brilliant.

In other news, Donald Trump just announced that he will start using Latisse because not only will he regrow his hair, the side effect of darkening lids can be expanded onto his entire body, saving him time otherwise spent in spray tan beds.

The shake weights remind me of this.

Those Middleton genes are definitely awesome. Hotness all around and good on ya mate for posing nude.