Punkin Skywalker

Couldn't come at a better time. I just moved more than 300 miles away from home. I'll also suggest (as did someone else on Jezebel) checking out the local library. They do so much more than books, including finding good information on events for you and other kinds of community services. Librarians are always willing

Libraries offer so many services other than books! More people need to know this!

Couldn't have come at a better time. I just moved 320 miles on Saturday.

But you're totally missing the point! This is so women with prosthetics won't feel different! They're actually being inclusive to those with missing limbs, ladies!!!

Tongues are far overrated. Where is the lip action here?

This is why I have a roommate.

Watch out for the following:

Meanwhile, somewhere lounging in an egg, Lady Gaga is jealous that she didn't do it first.

But of course!

To all, I mean, I understand good sharing of lingerie with friends, but not MIL or SIL or anyone related to the person who is viewing it. Just as an example, I just whipped up what I'm calling the Pokebra in an attempt to compromise my need for him to notice my lacy underwear and I, of course, am sending pictures of

It's inconceivable!

My theory is that the King of Prussia was a descendent of the Peverells and had a cloak. The two princes were obviously werewolves and were treated poorly since the Wolfsbane potion had not been invented yet.

I have no idea, I found this via google image search.

To Marky Mark.

My boyfriend laughed at me when I wore lingerie once and then got frustrated trying to get it off. Lacy panties are fine, but he doesn't even really look at them. I feel sexy in lingerie, but It's usually enough just to wear the lacy bra. If it matches the panties, then BONUS.

I think this is the reason I tend to write and think better when drunk. I also use bigger words when I'm somewhat mentally impaired, whether it's from exhaustion or intoxication. Low blood sugar, on the other hand, turns me into a pile of dumb with mush for a brain.

You might have convinced me if I didn't happen upon these adorable children in a Google Image search. SO CUTE!! MOAR UNIFORMS!!

Will they also give you those perfect abs? Because without a washboard stomach to make me look especially attractive while pumping out lifejuice for my infant, my life is just a waste.

I tried for something witty, but all I could come up with was a horse whinny.

"To display cleavage in a setting that does not involve cocktails and hors d'oeuvres is a provocation. It requires that a woman be utterly at ease in her skin, coolly confident about her appearance, unflinching about her sense of style. Any hint of ambivalence makes everyone uncomfortable," said Robin Givhan of the