Punkin Skywalker

@Bea Arthur: Do you go to my school? The only guy in the library science program at our school is very, very defensive while some girls in the tech management program deny their femininity as if being "too girly" will someone deter someone from hiring them. It's a weird dynamic; the guys in the "girl" field want to

@LittleMissMarySunshine: That would be one of the women from Rock of Love. I believe it was Brandi, but her face is partially covered and I barely remember this episode.

Mmm yellow squash.... is amazing on top of pasta with tofu and marinara sauce.. and you eat less pasta and more good carbs.

My reaction to the Royal nicknames

I have a master's degree in journalism. Does this mean that I trump her in qualifications?

@missbananafish: Red head who played in the band. Not so much roughness from actual band member friends, but drunks along parade route and at college football games when I was in high school. I was about, um, 13.

So does this mean we're going to get a Bristol and Willow go to NYC show where they can hang out with the Kardashians? I might watch that...

Ke$ha looks dead inside, as if she knows this shit isn't working.

So I put my hands up,

Kanye is either a really great performance artist parodying celebrity, or a sad victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

@ZiggyStarPuff loves Miz Jenkins too!: I'm already boycotting them for other reasons (mainly information security holes), but this just make my boycott reasons THAT much stronger.

@quagmire: Melty cheese and spinach... luckily, the mexican inspired restaurant down the street delivers spinach enchilladas....

As the resident body language expert, clearly he is using his camera to protect his manhood from her succubus ways.

You don't get to all yourself an artist after dousing yourself in sparkles and making out with wood.

@ekaterinaballerina: That's actually the point of some of them. From Seth Godin's blog: "Political TV advertising is designed to do only one thing: suppress the turnout of the opponent's supporters. If the TV ads can turn you off enough not to vote ("they're all bums") then their strategy has succeeded."

Julia Roberts' eyes are penetrating my soul... SO HARD TO LOOK AWAY!!

Julia Roberts' eyes are penetrating my soul... SO HARD TO LOOK AWAY!!

Holy Crap! That is the photo from the TRL tour and so takes me back to when I was 15 and my two best friends and I totally wore matching jean shorts and halter tops with T R and L on our boobs. We made a sign and everything. I'm surprised R's mom let us out of the house. Seriously.

@xojenxo: IT WAS THE TRL TOUR!! I remember this because Jessica Simpson totally ripped her pants onstage and then delayed the show only to come on wearing her mom's jeans (not to be confused with momjeans).