Punkin Skywalker

@treehouser: I think a chocolate penis would melt before it was really useful and that would just look like a really shitty situation.

Off to google Daniel Flugt.....

@IvyLeagueMetalhead: I think you just inadvertently made the argument for Jessica Simpson to run for office.

@kon324: It wasn't missing. It's up there with staying dehydrated.

@jvac88: I know I watch entirely too much Law and Order and conspiracy movies, but I also worked in state government (not New Jersey) and this just sounds like the kind of shit that would go down if his colleagues were trying to take him out. It's an interesting train of thought for me and obviously I can't say this

I couldn't quite understand this from the post or the accompanying links, but is there a possibility that the Assemblyman possessed these photos as "evidence of a problem," especially if he gave them to an aide. The whole thing seems fishy to me.

@onestrawplz: Seriously, I have an ex from high school who asked me once why I didn't look like that. I was not even 16. Worst boyfriend EVER.

@pantsless: You could always counteract with pictures of your own...

@Moretta: Yeah, but I'd rather get the picture-perfect stuff than my cousin who switches from "Married" to "It's Complicated" on a weekly basis. I sound like a 1950s mom, but keep your dirty laundry secret!!

My first year of graduate school, I decided to live with a friend of mine from undergrad who happened to live in the same area. Since she already lived in and grew up in the area, I counted on her to find an appropriate section and we would look at the apartments together. All I asked when we were looking was that it

Do the Olsen twins ever smile?

@maude_flanders: It's easy if the only job you have is to allow cameras to follow you while going to the gym during the day and drinking at night...

@SydTheKyd: I did too, but the description isn't so bad

@kikilikesthecinema: Not sure if it makes it better, but that's been around a long time. I'm pretty sure I read that a few years ago.

@kshortie16: Dammit! I knew that but I second guessed myself!

@laureltreedaphne: I never did blame them for pointing it out. I'd agree that signs like that part of the overal problem, but I do think the signs you're talking about completely missed the point of the rally, as shown by a video posted earlier by another commenter. Yes, those rally goers should be called out because

@laureltreedaphne: Not really, considering the leader of the rally, and not just random supporters, compares Obama to Hitler and spews out ridiculous fearmongering rhetoric.

@laureltreedaphne: Yes, but a majority of the signs were not like that. I saw a lot of "MEH" and jokes referencing Star Wars and "My political views won't fit on a sign."

Speaking as someone who went to the rally and spoke with a lot of other attendees who were more than happy to clog up the Metro, I have to say that this was important because it did actually stand for something. It stood for reasoned debate, facts, non sensationalism and for the fact that we, the mainstream public,