Ok, I can cuddle with a few people. I cuddled a lot with some of my sorority sisters in college in this very nonsexual way (usually not during parties because the inevitable HOT LESBIANS boy reaction grossed us out).
Ok, I can cuddle with a few people. I cuddled a lot with some of my sorority sisters in college in this very nonsexual way (usually not during parties because the inevitable HOT LESBIANS boy reaction grossed us out).
This reminds me of the boy band from Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, but at least then it was supposed to be a ridiculous futuristic boy band and didn't take itself so seriously.
One of my absolute favorites, photo taken by my brother :)
Regarding body issues, the most glaring dysmorphia, to me, was Sam seeing the Doritos on his perfect abs. On the outside and in front of the girls he was the cocky hot guy with perfect abs. In the locker room with the guys, he was was more image conscious.
@Spacemilk: I thought she looked like Madonna
No commentary about what seems to be Sam's Body Dismorphic Disorder?
@thePrototype: They could, but in the US one of the basis for libel per se (where you are entitled damages even if you can't prove you lost anything because the damages are implied) is impugning the chastity of a woman.
Regarding your question in #5... You aren't supposed to eat. Those sleeves remind you of that and prevent you from eating something that definitely tastes better than skinny feels. Duh.
@OnTheLevel: Yes, they may be naive, but the original commenter dismisses that naivete and places blame as if "they should know better." It may not surprise you, but isn't a lot of love, especially beginning, initial love that spurs you into getting married kind of naive? When fifty percent of marriages end in…
@FlowbeeBryant: The logical thought process that leads you to saying "they knew what they were getting into" is flawed and takes the onus of cheating off the cheater, very similarly to saying a woman who walks down an alley way in a short skirt is asking for it. No, it's not as violent, but it still places the blame…
@FlowbeeBryant: So they asked for it?
@SisterRay73: I was really hoping it was about a kiss.
Regarding Mike and Molly, I watched one scene and was a little disturbed at how they seemed to be making fun of fat people. Example, they were on a date and just got to Molly's stoop.
@Stagtastic: Clearly, throwing minority groups into rings and having them fight wild animals and each other for sport doesn't count as bullying. The Romans were just into good clean fun.
I'd like to shake that writer's hand.
@TulsaTime: Same here. Boyfriend and I have a LOT of important things in common (life goals, family background, life philosophy, past times, etc) but do not read the same books. I'm into almost any fiction I can get my hands on (good, bad, in between, literary, fan). He likes non-fiction about finance, internet…
You think this is hard? Try cheering on your rapist. That's hard!
@Punkin: SORRY SO BIG!
Yeah, this is all I can say about that.
While I applaud Dodson for using his accidental fame, I'm wondering at the accuracy and reliability of this app, especially from what I'm seeing it seems like it overlays where the registered sex offenders have listed their official address.