it's really humanizing
it's really humanizing
True story, my boyfriend stopped trick or treating when he was 12 because he realized it was more efficient to buy candy with his allowance than run up and down the street asking for it.
What about those who have friend-dumped you that you STILL happen to be fbook friends with for some god awful reason? I would really appreciate that feature...
@kbath10100: Duuude, college means just about nothing these days... in fact, I know a lot of college guys who aspire to live just like those in the Jersey Shore. Seriously.
"Hey Girl! I might need you to English Patient me"
@la.donna.pietra: Audio was music from Dark Knight. You didn't miss any "information."
I feel like I can see the subtext here. Lea Michele is wayyy too into trying to be sexy that she comes off as desperate, like when she dressed as after-Sandy from Grease.
Is this the newest RickRoll'?
I'd dismiss Dowd too, but because her columns rarely make sense and are nearly never as funny as she thinks they are.
@Canayan: Did I make a blanket statement about everyone? I'm quoting a humorous song specifically about Levi, which actually just makes him look caught up in things he doesn't understand or care about. Maybe you should look it up before you criticize me for quoting it in response to him making a fool of himself for…
@through the rye: Line from boyfriend that won me over "Pickles are cucumbers soaked in EVIL"
"I'm a fucking redneck, I love to hang out with the boys, play some hockey, do some fishing and kill some moose. I like to shoot the shit, do some chillin I guess, if you fuck with me, then I'll kick your ass."
@lermanzo: That's ballsy of him to thrash a sign with a dead baby fetus. Where did he get it?
Guaranteed TLC gives her her own show.
"what are we going to do tomorrow night Brain"
@jespree: I took from this statement: "The National Book Award finalists were just announced, and four of the five in fiction are women" that it was in the fiction category in addition to the Under 35 category. Am I mistaken?
I'm gonna go with the noncyncial approach and say that Perez must have realized other people had feelings and he was no better than his high school bullies when he filmed his It Gets Better Video.
@SlayBelle: Because Kurt manipulated a situation in which he and Finn ended up sharing a bedroom together, after Finn showed intense discomfort. I'm all for gay rights and Finn does show a little self unawareness with his homophobia, but Kurt was a total ass when he did that. Kurt's actions were damn predatory. Can…
Noticeably absent: Jodi Picoult.
Also, calling a boy a "sissy" is also a brand of misogyny because it implies that being a girl or having a feminine quality is bad or is not as good as being manly/masculine.