You know, I read Acceptance last week and I already don't remember how it ends. I'm not sure if that means it was trite or if Area X has got me.
You know, I read Acceptance last week and I already don't remember how it ends. I'm not sure if that means it was trite or if Area X has got me.
Okay honey.
I was going to respond with the same thing. I was trying desperately to recall any instance of a sword controlling someone in The Dresden Files but couldn't remember anything. Those swords are dangerous to certain creatures but ultimately they're only as good as the person wielding them.
I'm afraid they are going to have to Empire it. Then part 3 can be "Avengers 3: Revenge of the Avengers."
Absolutely right, Katie. Not once have I found mention of the swords of the cross being controlling of their wielders. Dresden avoids most of the awful fantasy tropes, somehow.
He can tear through me like I'm cotton candy!
Started to post this exact thing, free will is a big thing among the good guys in the dresdenverse. Then I figured someone else probably already did, pleased to see I was right.
I honestly don't understand how anyone could come to the conclusion the holy swords in the dresden books are sentient or have a mind of their…
Spot on. This was a poor example. Dresden Files handles their weapons exactly right in my mind. I love the "celestial swords".
Yep, these are swords that only work when used for their correct purpose, but they never actually control the characters. If they controlled the wielders in any way then they'd be like holy Denarians - which would run counter to the free will aspect that is vital to the good guys in the Dresdenverse.
I see your point, but aren't liberal "fears" usually That sounds bad (and very condescending to conservatives), but I guess what I mean is that the threats liberals are worried about tend to be abstract, less immediate, and less personal.
No wayyyyy. Goosebumps was the lamest stuff ever. "Johnny turned around and screamed. " Next page/chapter: "His sister had taken his lucky sweatshirt!"
Well goodness knows that top photo grossed me out.
I was going to say, it's Maine. I'm from Maine. There's no one to infect up in freaking Fort Kent, because no one actually lives there. And those that do probably have doomsday bunkers to which they can retreat if they really think she's spreading ebola hither and yon.
And rewatch all of Parks & Rec obvi
I think they did some kind of animated/graphic novel type of scene that showed up as a DVD extra that allowed her to live—there was also one that pieced together how Pegg's character found and caught Frost's. I don't think it was a conventional after credits scene, which means it's not canon!!!
In the Shaun of the Dead entry — Liz's boyfriend doesn't die (Liz's boyfriend would be Shaun....) It's David who is ripped limb from limb, and he was Dianne's boyfriend (who we learn in bonus feature, survived). Further nitpicking, Yvonne is Shaun's friend.
"It's pretty naive to think [Ra's Al Ghul would] be shocked by a little homosexuality."
"You know nothing, Jon Snow. Well, obviously you know a few things. Like walking while ruggedly handsome. Staring soulfully into the distance. And I bet you're okay at the salmon ladder. Oh, I'm babbling."