
If she was surprised when the coven died, she then knew what she was doing when she killed her mom. And she didn’t show any remorse at all. She just raided the corpse.

He has to protect the whole planet from incursion by every other dimension.

They could do that in a number of ways though. Blog, podcast, tell-all book. The internet exists so it will get amplified no matter what.

I think any newspaper would take a deal to print a missive from them word-for-word, and the internet exists. I’ve been trying to figure out what the benefit of the interview is, and maybe it’s the face going along with the words so people can sympathize better. But I already think they are sympathetic, at least to

I thought the whole point of leaving was to have their life not controlled by the royal nonsense.  They could have always been lying about their motives, but this seems counterproductive.

That’s cute how you’re trying to shame me for not knowing who went to their wedding, but I’m proud I don’t know that.  I need that space in my brain for Parks and Recs trivia.

But you literally don’t need to control your narrative. Theirs is big enough they can make money off it either way, and villain stories sell just fine.

I don’t really understand what they are getting out of this.

There’s a problem when anything but a dehumanizing, disconnecting stint in prison is “going easy” on someone.  There has got to be some way we can provide consequences without it. 

It’s not like they’ve ever had any real duds, thanks to her. The casting is never the problem.  Sony should have known when to STFU and let Marvel do what it does well.

I spent a long time watching people be terrible to mediocre supervisors thinking it couldn’t possibly be that hard to be a good one. Oh, the high of hubris.

There aren’t any secret rules. There’s no normal for sex or anything else - do what makes you most comfortable. The hard part is putting yourself out there and knowing you may be rejected. Everyone feels awkward around it.

Good luck! I bet if you start it with thanking them for the relevant criticisms, the rest will go really well!

It comes and goes and I’ve been in a funk since mid January I think?  I think it’s getting better.

Really easier said than done in my unfortunate experience.

My mother’s second husband used to take strawberry Quik and sprinkle it on toast. Gag. 

Catalina is a thing that people love or people hate.

See the whole thing would have made sense if we saw a little more of her just trying to regain control instead of just being kinda twitterpated. The farmhouse conversation we all hate could the be about her getting Bruce back into the game, NOT about offering to run away with him. She could have still shared her own

Bettany is exactly this kind of troll.  Vision is a tough character but he makes him an absolute delight to watch.

I agree the Fright Night remake was clutch.  If only Marti had written Colin Ferrel’s terrible awful bad Total Recall remake.