What gets me about the Rachel Roy rumors is that it seems like more of a calculated Alpha move against Dame Dash than an unbridled sexual affair.
What gets me about the Rachel Roy rumors is that it seems like more of a calculated Alpha move against Dame Dash than an unbridled sexual affair.
Don’t blame her or the devs for this gaming make so much money. Blame the nutjobs that actually paid real money to play this game. These people are the real menace and threat to gaming.
So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.
What do I do now that I find out my entire life has been based on a lie?
Is there a Who Can Be The Worst contest going on that nobody told me about? It would explain sooo much.
This is so goddamned depressing. We have a large Islamic community in my city, and lately I’ve been trying to give every person who wears hijab an extra large smile when I pass them. It’s probably silly, but it’s one of the only things I feel that I can do (besides donating to the Dems).
Even if he’s a liberal purposely sabotaging the GOP, he’s still fucking evil for riling up the 25 to 40 percent of hardcore racists in this country. People are getting hurt because of this pus filled sack of shit’s rhetoric.
Am unfortunate number of people shoot up their workplace without a religious motive, because they have some grudge or resentment or whatever, and those attacks are planned long in advance too. While it’s quite possible that this was religiously motivated, we can’t assume that it was just because of his ethnicity.
this commenter called me a cunt in another thread...i’ll engage people who disagree with me, but this commenter is looking for fights.
If someone wants to dive into Atlas Shrugged right behind Bernie Sanders’ head during a rally I would have zero problems with it. As I’m sure the vast majority of people there would as well.
Do we willcreate a special sub committee to investigate the many lies of Ben Carson?
Somehow this will cause him to gain another 4-6% in the polls. Because fuck the right wing.
That’s some X-Files horror shit. Like that “Home” episode I think? Christ I can't even.
That’s true. And when you offer opinions in a public forum without being asked, it’s perfectly appropriate for people to tell you that your opinion sucks and that you should go screw yourself with it. Likewise, if you offer opinions like that to the moley faces of real people, it's perfectly appropriate for them to…
*checks scar from mole she had removed 14 years ago*
Lol no. Ever talked to a dermatologist about the procedure for removing moles? I’ve got one on my neck, up by my ear... in order to have it removed I’d have to have a large chunk of flesh carved out of my neck, leaving a scar bigger and more noticeable than the mole itself, AND I’d get to pay out of pocket for the…
I want to play Ronda Rousey with your face.