Mrs. Nesbit

YAY! That's the best news I've heard all day. Thanks for telling me!

That's funny…I lost it on the same parts as well. Personally, I thought they did a great job on the show and hope they bring it back for another season.

That's horribly sad.

“Rock shit doesn’t rock anymore! They say the whole game done went pop so I’m back in this ho!” - Yes, yes, well said 'ole chap.

Or a rectal prolapse?

Glutenus, yeasty, sticky white dough.

"Chicks with dicks that put mine to shame."

Being a cartoonist could sure beat a lot of alternatives though.

One is a metal and the other is a music project.

Fuck me man…where the hell was I in 1997?

But I've heard he is super nice so we really should give him a pass.  Nicities have to outweigh douche-baggery.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus Wow, I had no idea this was an argument.  As to the supposed incorrect connotation of substantiation in relation to an argument…ummmm yeah. 

I did and do enjoy your wit and cynicism, along with everyone else's.  It's what keeps me going, day in and day out.

LOL…lesson learned.  Even though I do enjoy my middle-school vulgarity.

It's merely an opinion I came to based on seeing the show a few times and determining it had awful writing and timing (apparently just like me and my comment), and very much unlike Parks & Rec.

I don't know, I think the jury could be out on that verdict.  Possibly depends on the day.  I am actually feeling a little douchey today.

What? That's not trolling.  That's an opinion stated in a form of a comment.

Community sucks ass, it's a without humor, cheese-ball of a sitcom and is no where near as good as Parks & Rec. 


What?!? Stuffy bitch can't take a joke?