Mrs. Nesbit

Sorry - late ass comment but whatever:

Yeah, I hope this goes away quickly.  I was really having to suppress the urge to smash the TV anytime the little twerp was on.  This time slot needs to go to Bob's Burgers - - - pronto.


Like cherries and custard pie. MMmmmmm, yum.

Reality and the reality makers, nimrods, make me want to vomit in my mouth.  I quite enjoy being in my false, make shift, alternate universe.  I plan on staying here, forever.

Well let's go suck down some darjeeling then, shall we?

Are you being facetious or just plain threatening me?

Where's their messiah now?!?

No Code is one of my all time fave albums, it was totally blown over at the time because it wasn't anything like ten or vs. (boo hoo).  It is actually my favorite PJ album though.  Love the newer stuff with exception to Backspacer which seemed a little too contemporary and boring, I thought they may be losing their

Nah, there are many many PJ fans who prefer their newer to the older.  I like it all, up until Backspacer, which I gave three listens to and then shrugged off.  Pretty mediocre for their caliber.