Katie Did Wut

I’m so very sorry. I wish I could give you a hug.

If you are so stressed out that you are puking and and physically shaking from stress and anxiety, you could try a variety of different methods to de-stress (exercise really helps me), but if it’s already this bad, I wouldn’t give it too much time before going to see a doctor for anxiety medication. That’s pretty

This is going to be long. I apologize in advance:

Also, I just read your piece! It’s fantastic. Well done! :)


Hi there! I personally have never been able to confront my episodes of depression without a therapist, a psychiatrist (usually) and a support system. The support system was the hardest thing for me to rustle up—I finally have friends and family that are aware of at least some of my mental health history, but it took

Yes. I vividly recall her telling us to tell our parents not to bring our younger siblings to open house, because she didn’t want to deal with any younger kids before they ended up in her classroom. My sister was a year behind me and ended up in her class as well. My parents hated this teacher. My mom spent a lot of

This is an embarrassing story, still, even though I’m now 30-years-old:

Honestly, this is gross and a little sad, but sometimes I just need a small bowl of white rice with a little sea salt and butter. I’m not sure if that’s technically good for stomachs, especially if you have GERD, but I find it to be a mild, non-controversial option when my stomach isn’t at its best.

My gym has this awesome process for new members where you get a half dozen (free) ‘orientation’ sessions with an employee (who is also a PT). You go over your goals, you learn to use equipment, and then you go back every few months for check-ins. I had my first session last Thursday, and the guy was amazing and he

Yes, definitely that, too! I think I might have been a bit to severe this last time around, but that was mostly due to the break-up and needing to get out as soon as possible. My apartment isn’t bare, by any means, but it is definitely a little colder than I like. However, that just means that I get to re-populate my

I have not solo-traveled in Asia, but I have been to Vietnam (with a group of people). It was amazing. I also have a coworker who is a slightly older woman (probably early forties) who went to Vietnam on her own about four years ago. We swapped experiences, and it sounded like she had an even better time.

Everything about this post is amazing. I’m so jealous of the month you just had. I hope September brings even more eclectic adventures!

When my ex and I moved into our last apartment together, we bought the Marie Kondo book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up. We de-cluttered as we packed, which was sometimes overhwelming, but we ended up bring a lot less ‘stuff’ with us. When I moved out of our apartment at the end of this past June, I did the same

Happy birthday!!

I know that you’ve already set up your schedule for tutoring, but maybe you should think about dropping it down to one night a week, or dropping the tutoring altogether. You could offer to find the student/s a new tutor.

I am thinking about getting a personal trainer. My gym is running a really good deal right now, offering 6 sessions (I don’t know if they’re a half hour or one hour) for $125. I think I want to do it. Does anyone have any good advice, tips, or interesting experiences they’d like to share about personal (or small

September: it’s not August.

Laphroaig 10. I just finished my bottle. I enjoy feeling like I’m drinking a campfire. The peatier, the better!

I jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes, four seconds today! Non-stop! That is four seconds over my personal record! Haha. It’s a very mild achievement, but I was happy. Especially for getting up on a Saturday morning to do it. :)