Katie Did Wut

I know this is a really stupid question, but...what did you do? Did you go to the hospital? Or does a wound like that close up quickly enough? I love my cat, but if she punctured one of my veins I’d go insane. :(

That cardigan is amazing.

This is one of the many things that make me appreciate the fact that I’m not a celebrity. I have resting sad face. Gossip rags would constantly be counting down the seconds to when I’d ~inevitably~ be carted away to a psychiatric hospital.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! I know people out there scoff at comments like this, but: fuck 2016.

Even if your black belts from 10 years ago came in handy every time you were in an unsafe situation—even if you WERE able to successfully kick the ass of every person who tries to assault you—THAT STILL. ISN’T. OKAY.

Hahaha, true!

Oh my god. I’m so sorry. My biggest complaint is that I’m contacted mostly by moms (no offense to mothers out there—I just don’t want children). A few years back, I made the mistake of trying to post on Craigslist (I know, I know) and other than the oodles of dick pics from gross men, I mostly received responses from

Not a female author, but strong female characters and an eerie, mind-bending setting: The Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer. The first one is Annihilation.

Oh my god. That profile description you posted makes me feel SO SO BLESSED to be a lesbian. Not that there aren’t terrible profiles out there written by lesbians (there are), but damn. I’ve never come across something quite that bad. I’m sorry.

I’m feeling bored, too. And hungry! I ordered delivery and it isn’t here yet. WHERE IS IT? (Do note: I only placed the order 5 minutes ago.)

Haha, I like your username, too! Always happy to meet another Kate/Katy/Katie/Kat/etc. Unless your name starts with a C, in which case you are dead to me. (Just kidding!) I feel like there were twenty million other girls named Katie in all of my classes growing up, but as an adult, I’ve met very few of us. Strange.

Honestly, night skiing sounds worse than being stuck in a ski lift overnight.

I don’t really know what’s going on with me, I can’t really explain what is wrong with my life that I would have this reaction, but truly, when I read the title of this article I said out loud, to no one (because I am alone): “Cool! I’m so jealous!”

I’m looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, too. I spent most of the weekend alone, with very little money in my bank account, so I didn’t do much. It was nice and relaxing, but I’m happy I’ll be back at work tomorrow.

I’d give them my sandwich if I could. :( If I’m ever in Poland I’ll try to stop by with a bag of chips.

Oh, what a day to be a hive.

Yeah, I hope that part didn’t offend you. I’m sorry. I really do think my interpretation of her interactions at work are clouded by my seething anger. I have resting bitch face, myself.

I really appreciate your validation that I shouldn’t just cut her off. She complains about not having any friends (wonder why?) and sometimes I feel guilty knowing that I’m only being friend-ish because I’m basically saving my own ass. That makes me two-faced. But it’s truly in my best interest. I fucking LOVE my job,

I know you’re right. I need to remain calm. One problem is that Elaine is similarly bothered by her, and so we feed each other’s frustrations about Anita. And it sways back and forth—I go through stages of acceptance about Anita’s existence in our lives, while Elaine struggles, and then it will switch, and I am

I have a hard time cutting people out of my life. Anita is also somewhat vindictive, so both Elaine and I are nervous about completely cutting her off as a ‘friend.’ I’m shy, but while Elaine is as charismatic as Anita, Anita’s charm is largely tied up in manipulating office gossip for her own purposes.