Katie Did Wut

Jezebel, please bring the Worth It column back from the dead. I love reading reviews of products, especially well-written, honest and witty ones (like the above). Buzzfeed has those god-awful ‘buy this’ posts with just lists of products that they’re getting kick-backs for promoting, and it’s pathetic. This, though...I

Today I learned that Joyce Carol Oates uses Twitter, which means that I will now have to give in and join Twitter.

Your skin didn’t decide to exist attached to a guy. Seems a little rude to punish it for something it couldn’t help. Buy a loufah! They make them in ~manly~ colors like navy blue, Carolina blue, robin’s egg blue, gray, purple, black, pink and green.

I am mostly indifferent to the Olympics, except for when I’m watching the opening/closing ceremonies. Now I’m giddy with excitement for 2020. Goddamn it. I fall for this stuff so easily. I can’t wait for Tokyo!

I was going to go to the gym today and go grocery shopping, but instead I think I’m going to end up marathon watching all the HP movies and reading the Captain Awkward archives. Send help! And a bottle of wine! :D

Thank you for the recommendation! I love advice columns, this is perfect!

Same childhood boat. My parents were diplomats, and we moved every 2-3 years until I left for college. I NEVER got the hang of it. It would take me a couple of months to make friends. It would take my younger sister maybe 2 weeks. I’ve just never been good at putting myself out there. I’m hoping that going to more

Hi! Meetup is great, especially if you live in or near a city. I just need to motivate myself to go to more events. I’ve been to two so far, with two different groups. I can see how it is an amazing method of making friends.

Me too, with the running! Or, rather, jogging. I am determined to finally finish Couch to 5k this fall, in time for the Y’s Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.

I love Wegmans. I haven’t been there in a few months. It’s the only grocery store that has a hot foods section I’ll pay attention to. They make this sweet potato and black bean salad...so good. And the pumpkin bisque!

Hello. I’m coming out of my long-time lurking to post this.

When I get to work on Monday morning, I’m going to print that picture of Anthony Weiner and then tape it to my refrigerator. I don’t know precisely what it is about his face, but it nauseates me enough that I completely lose my appetite.