
I think we all know she is trying to antagonize twitter... Everyone knows that the Golden Globes is like Twitter Christmas.


Um... Doesn't everyone remember the episode of AMTM when they explained the cultural meaning of this?


Ok. Actually she's Patti Stanger mixed with Wendy Williams. Its epic.

She reminds me of Patti Stanger is some serious ways.


All I am saying is that one time I hacidic jew followed me in his (unmarked) van for 5 blocks making gross comments about my boobs before I threw an iced coffee at said van (surprisingly to both of us) through the window into the van.

You get the feeling? He punched a woman in the stomach. She was the driver of a party bus he wasn't invited on....like a year ago.

From one busty girl to another that girl has a lot of subtle charm.

OMG the comments...

I'm using that, the LUST soap, and the LUST perfume. It's my jam now.

Sounds like it smells a lot like Flying Fox by Lush. Sounds amazing gonna check it out ASAP.

I have one right now. Thank you so much.

I f-ing love getting my gels done in Crown Heights BK. I get my gels done for 25$ at a not disgusting place.

Woah. Pretty much the Rainbow Brite mission statement. I'll give her 5 bucks.

I'm done. This has become crazy.

People who comment about punctuation are the worst.

I think this was a good post. It points out how much it costs to adhere to gender norms in our society and I think its especially informative considering that generally we make less money than men and this is how many of us spend our money rather than saving or investing.