GEORGE walmart control tops are bae
GEORGE walmart control tops are bae
GEORGE walmart control tops are bae
GEORGE walmart control tops are bae
I dreamed Jennifer Love Hewwit was rude to me and I still resent her for it.
I am not saying there is a way to win. Dudes are the shittiest. I live in NYC and cannot leave my apartment to go next door to the boedga without verbal abuse. I keep my headphones on all the time. Just do the same online. Giving them a response lets them know you're hearing them.
I dont get it. Just ignore the messages. You don't actually have to reject people who dont have your contact via the internet.
It doesn't say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty
There is a taco bell in Union Square
Champagne minuet. Its pretty much just vinegar.
I had a dude order a single little neck clam. He was surprised when I brought it to the table insisting that clams are "big like turtles" and then he drank the sauce it came with like a shot. He was a real class act.
Does anyone remember the Jane article about her totally trashing a apartment. And then she had a coplapsed lung or something? Am I making this up?
Dude came into my restaurant ordered one GD little neck clam. I bring it out to him he says ohhh "I thought clams were big like turtles."
I am like, "No...."
Ok. I owned shape ups.
And the thing is I did it because I worked on my feet all day, and they actually did keep my feet comfortable.
Getaway, Getaway.
Those better have been some nice flowers he brought Martha. She sets a pretty high bar.
more like gin and vicks vapor rub
Also to clairify nobody who is eligible to medicaid, medicare, lives on an indian resveration, or is in the army gets funding for abortion, therefore the poor are targeted and refused eligibility for funding for abortions while simultaniously being shamed for having too many kids as welfare moms.
You're totally right. I'm just whinning because everyone isn't already totally enraged about this. I'm glad this article was posted and I'm glad you are upset too.
I wrote a paper about this in 2009 about the same thing from and got my info from the same site. Its a great resource and the hyde ammendent is a terrible terrible thing. It just saddens me that this is framed as something that is news and not something thats competely awful and has been going on for a really long…
Sorry for the mega late reply. Its how their indiginus culture intimates before attacking.
I really respect you for posting this, but it isn't news at all. Especially since medicaid and medicare don't fund it.