
omg that gif!!!

The Man who was engaged to whats her drunk ass? Tara Reid.

Can I PLEASE suggest this video tutorial for FOOL PROOF cat eyes using scotch tape to make a stencil?????

Ok. What do you think she's gonna name the baby?

Three Snookis and a little baby?

I am really not trying to shame her and her lifestyle or her decision to have a baby, but this stresses me out. Maybe because she's my age?

Haven't you heard of the brand Hanky Panky? Their entire brand is based on this.

Awww. I remember getting stoned in Cul-de-sac.... Oh high school.

The thing about this is I remember a anti-Bush add done by Moveon.org (I was in high school) wasn't allowed to be aired over the condition that adds that were political endorsements were not allowed to be aired.... Obviously that was a B.S. reason but it still makes me crazy this is somehow being aired.

I actually know someone who does the photo-shoots for these kinds of meals. Its crazy!

Yeah sorry. I realized that right after I posted it. I just get irrationally angry whenever anyone talks shit about that fine lady. Loved your post...

<3 How do I get this gif.



Um... you actually forgot UN Ambarador for women's health. She even sends people to low income neighborhoods to offer free Pap Smears. People have no right to hate on her.

God. What a terrible psychic. Should have gotten Chip Coffey from Paranormal State.

I am so incredibly creeped out by Johnny Depp. Like ALL the time. I don't want to have sex with him. I don't even want to be in the same room as him.

In middle school girls were allowed to wear PJ pants to school during one week of intensive standardized testing. When one of the more —- "classical?" teachers saw us she literally tried to have half the school sent home, which never actually occurred.

This is the kind of news I already assumed.

Also I demand a Maggie Smith remix.