Kathy Lee Woodstock

The video of the meeting is awesome. The reporter basically tells her “We know you’re bullshit and we’re running with the story that you’re bullshit.” The wanna-be-trickster at that point looks like she shit her pants.

the only people they’ve really managed to scam are gullible right wingers who believe that heavily edited videos are proof of some sort of nefarious wrongdoing.

What a fucking asshole.

Kind of hard to maintain a position of snark about useless tsotchkes on a website that is now 50% Kinja Deals posts.

What a weird teaser for Westworld season 2.

Not going to attack you, but I will point out that there was a reason I put “ousted” in quotes. My view of Snyder’s qualities as a director/writer/producer aside, I agree that what happened to him was tragic (and I’m not the kind to indulge in schadenfreude simply on the basis of disliking someone’s artistic output,

Absolutely deserved a spot because this trailer was not just the best trailer Marvel has ever done, but a genuine standout for the year. 

What does her arch-nemesis Day Nurse think of all this?

Now playing

Sneaky Immigrant Song intro, Mjolnir shattered, Hulk, Thor’s reaction to Hulk. There has never been a better trailer.

Trump is enabling and encouraging white supremacists, one of whom murdered a civil rights activist, albeit a white one, in Charlottesville. He is also attempting to shame and call for the sacking of black football players who make the choice, as is their right, to kneel during the national anthem in solidarity with

A lot of people have kinks that are closely linked to their real traumas. I’ve seen child abuse survivors who are into “age play,” and I knew an autistic woman who wanted to be called ableist slurs. Jews who are into Nazi kink is a known thing. So black people being into race play fits the trend.

The furry fandom has some great PoC in it, and I feel it does them a great disservice to ignore their contributions or presence. Hell, probably the most famous furry at this point is this fellow right here.

While I totally agree with mocking the ridiculous nazi-furries, there are great PoC involved the the furry fandom. It is by no means a whites only club or anything of the sort. Used to be in the 90's, but it has expanded to include many different people after a lot of hard work and I look forward to seeing where it

Yeah I’d be the first inline when WB gets its shit together and stop acting embarrassed of the source material of the DCU.

On the one hand, I keep having to tell DC fans that I don’t want their movies to fail, that I actually want a good Batman, a good Superman movie.

[Dons “Crew” production cap]

I am so beyond done with every single media company deciding it needs its own streaming service for its content. I cut my cable cord well over a decade ago because I decided the cost wasn’t worth the value. I’m more than ready to give up as many shows as I need to in order to not get bogged down with that expense

Don’t eat at restaurants then or take cabs. When I was struggling, I picked and chose when I’d go out, knowing I had to tip. People can make that adult decision rather than stiff a server or cabbie

a. Wasn’t this a Black Mirror episode?

TLDR; IMO Opera is for the rich white aristocrat men who commissioned it.