Kathy Lee Woodstock

Friendly reminder that Viggo Mortensen is 60 years old and that he had to gain 50 pounds to look like a schlubby 40-year old in a movie.

Hey Nintendo, two things.

23 hours, catching 69 Pokémon, besting eight Gym Leaders, and beating the Elite Four

Internet: There will be a real life Pikachu Detective Movie.

“In fact, take away the delirious beauty of the color-coded lighting and surging prog-rock score”

Yes, take away the most artistic aspects of an art film and you end up with not an art film.

Hell, take away the structure and formatting of the script and you’ve got one long block of text.

Maybe Vongola means it would be a very warm costume to wear all day.

I’ve repeatedly told friends and family starting in 2016 that there is a zero percent chance we get out of the Trump Administration without seeing his dick, and each day I feel we get a bit closer to that.


Considering that the additions being promised aren’t some catch-all but are designed uniquely around every game they release, I think that’s okay. There’s real work being put into elevating each game into an experience that goes above and beyond the originals.

That explains why it looks nothing like the typewriter from the game in that screenshot...

The other best thing about the sub-areas is that the game will do you the tremendous favor of telling you that you already got all the moons there.

Just don’t watch it. More importantly, don’t hate watch it.

I sometimes find Kevin Smith’s artistic endeavors a bit questionable, but he genuinely comes across as a nice guy who means well; one who defintely does not deserve all the shit he gets.

I’m sensing you think this should have been two posts, not one. You might be right. Would have really hit the second-phase idea more effectively. 

Funny, I liked it way less when it was called that.

That’s only because he’s mesmerized you to think that.

This, plus everything I see of them they really seem like genuine nice, positive people, which is a nice change of pace from the seething cynics that the genre seems to proliferate.

I honestly don’t like a lot of the gaming Youtubers, but Game Grumps are pretty consistently funny. It helps that they actually have improv training.

How about we not hope that people have been abused, just to take people you dislike down a peg or two?

Good point. But that doesn’t change the fact that there are many poor mothers busting their ass who went from old school blue-collar Democrats to Trump supporters.