Yeah. I’m not a huge “no spoilers” guy, but it hasn’t even been a year since Get Out was released. Seems unnecessary to spoil the ending of a really good movie.
Yeah. I’m not a huge “no spoilers” guy, but it hasn’t even been a year since Get Out was released. Seems unnecessary to spoil the ending of a really good movie.
And there you have the problem with “ironic racism.” You may be intending to make fun of “actual racists,” but to the person on the receiving end of your comments, it can be no different than if they’d gotten those same comments from an actual redneck. I mean, honestly, what is the difference? Whether you’re mocking…
My university is having a similar issue - they have accepted a $100K grant from The Weinstein Foundation that is going to go toward something in the Women’s Studies department and now there’s all this hand-wringing about whether or not the school should give it back. To what end? I say take his money, man. Take all of…
I first saw Chasing Amy when I was about 14-15, and one of the things that most stood out was how it portrayed the fragility of the male ego (I didn’t know that phrase then but I knew what I was seeing). Alyssa loves Holden, fucking loves him, more than she’s loved anyone else. But for some reason that’s not enough…
“We got another donation from Kevin Smith. A check, plus a dozen oversized hockey jerseys, five pairs of calf-length board shorts, and ten ‘Clerks II’ baseball caps.”
You really live up to your screen name.
Non-parody does not mean non-humourous.
For me, it’s a clear reference to Polanski’s demon-horror period piece anagram miniseries, Rosearmy’s Abby. Where the lady of the house’s illicit affair with the stableboy results in the birth of the Chitin Tsar.
A Porg on both your houses.
And then we’ll find out that at the Oscars in 2009, Hanks and Harris simultaneously attempted to sexually harass one another, and the world will end.
Wouldn’t that be doing him a favor? He’s already looking for a way out of the Batman stuff. I say edit more Affleck in.
I did, thanks, jerk!
The unlisted episode titles are “The Return of Barb,” “Barb’s Revenge” and “Barb Goes Super Saiyan.”
I’m guessing you don’t write your own headlines, but could someone get the headline writer to stop putting spoilers in them? I haven’t watched this week’s episode yet, and got spoiled just scrolling the home page. This is the second time, as last week’s Mindy Project review spoiled Danny’s return as well.
Yes! I was so pissed but also kind of pleased to find out about Chris Elliott, who I believe is a national treasure.
I’m behind on the show, and it’s not one of my favorite shows or anything I’m too spoilerphobic about, but that does seem to be an oddly direct and revealing photo + headline for this review. Couldn’t have vagued it up a little?
Follow-up question: How is Once Upon A Time still on?
No. I want to see him rot in prison. Him, his family, and every last Republican that helped him get to this point.
Mindy’s moment of coke-inspired clarity was a moment of true selflessness, and none of Tahani’s gestures ever were.
Yay, prison rape jokes! Aren’t we awesome.