
You are seriously underestimating average high school male pop., give them one month and you can build yuuuuuugest wall on the world.

Oh man, I’m so sorry for your niece and nephew, and all the kids who literally won’t even know how bad their education is going to be until much, much later. I myself am child free, but when another child free friend made a comment about being happy we don’t have to deal with this I asked her how, exactly, any of us

Right? The future of education is looking bleak. I want my niece and nephew to go to schools where science and government are separate from bullshit and religion. Will those still exist? How much will it cost to send your kid to one? How many chocolate bars (approx) do I need to eat to find a select-a-school Golden

Better yet: Every time they bring up an anti-abortion bill in the Lege, try to add amendments that afford massive financial support to low-income families. That’s one way to kill anti-choice legislation.

She really should challenge him to a public debate/exam on the subject matter. Televise the whole damn thing and see who comes across as ignorant. Pick one of the state university profs to prep the questions or just use the existing first year bio exam.

and FEMA, renewable energy and national healthcare. Make way for the American Utopia brought to you by our vibrant youth!

The fees collected will go towards towards children monitored by the Department of Family Protective Services “in order to assist in the assertion of the importance of the sanctity of life.

I love that he suggested Charter Schools; that us Grade A synergy.

Also, how would one even locate a biology class in Betsy DeVos’s New and Improved Edumacation Roundup™?

I love how he suggests she take a high school biology class. Ah, yes! American high school biology classes, veritable founts of sex ed wisdom (bonus points if it’s a creationist charter school in the Bible Belt).

Tony Tinderholt will be more than happy to explain it in the minutest detail to everyfuckingbody within earshot. Multiple times. And he’ll be sure to speak slowly and use small words for the ladies.

I’m still trying to figure out where her understanding is lacking.

Tinderholt is not amused. “I’m embarrassed for Representative Farrar,” he told The Texas Tribune. “Her attempt to compare [HB 4260] to the abortion issue shows a lack of a basic understanding of human biology. I would recommend that she consider taking a high school biology class from a local public or charter school

“...shows a lack of a basic understanding of human biology.”

God loves blue balls

“allow doctors to withhold information about a fetal abnormality or disability if they believe that knowledge would affect a woman’s decision to have an abortion.”

The average high school’s male population would pay for the wall, in full, within a year. Anything beyond that is for maintenance of the wall...with any surplus going to NASA. We’ll be doing day trips to Mars within 5 years.

Mandatory for all dudes.

I mean...if pregnancy is God’s will, then I would imagine a limp cock would also be the will of God....So.....