
you leave billy joel out of this

“We’re in 2017 — something like this should not happen in America.”

We’re in 2017 — something like this should not happen in America.

Obviously they meant to sing California Uber Alles

If my feminism is going to be inter-sectional or it will be bullshit - I’m not going to sit here and pretend empathy is some zero sum game where because a person who is not being treated as a whole human by their spouse.

It is easy to say that she is only with him for the money, and while economic interest might have led her to him, it is important to note that he is an abuser.

She clearly hates him. My theory? She tried to get out when she realized all the work that the First Lady needs to do. But he threw the prenup in her face and told her, if you leave now, you walk away with nothing but your kid. And as a mother, how would she be able to support her son or provide him the opportunities

In the last week, I’ve been asked by at least 10 different people if we have picked a date, and what we are going to do. With every question about our plans, we get a little closer to just eloping.

No melted gold bath? I’m disappointed.

We had a traditional Dothraki wedding.

I really really really fucking really really really want to go to this wedding. There should probably be a “tiny house” involved too, don’t you think?

“I’m sorry, what is this about?”

I am wedding planning for 2017 and I am also sick of these trends. I only get my period every 2 months so it’s been impossible for me to collect enough menstrual blood to make my signature cocktail. 

Goddamnit, this makes me miss I Thee Dread pissing contests and Jolie even more.

For one second, I thought mandatory Crocs was an actual thing. We’re sure it isn’t, right?

I typically try to stay away from sweeping generational blame, but this morning someone in my FB feed posted a phenomenally depressing infographic that displayed the voting preferences for the Brexit broken down by age group, along with “how many years they’ll live with this decision”. Damn if it wasn’t the most

You just admitted that you are EXACTLY this guy.

If you want real change to happen, I don’t think the place to start is at the top of the ticket in a presidential election year. Third parties should be building at the local and state levels to create active and vibrant political parties and the aparati necessary to win and govern there. Once they start doing that

Buzzfeed Quiz. If he were an ice cream he’d be a Dilly Bar.