
I’m absolutely horrible with names. I do my best to concentrate when someone tells me their name, but it immediately slips right out of my mind.

I mean, she didn’t need to actually jump rope outside the place or make a post about it. She could have just eaten her fruit in peace.

Though, why go there at all?

This was my question. Can't you work out, eat fruit, and be snarky in your living room?

I don't get it. Why was she there? Did she go to a burger joint to work out?

They’re absolutely going to do whatever they can to get his body back. Guaranteed. It will turn into a giant morality, pity play that will involve multiple governments and lots of money. I’d be shocked if the evangelical nimrods hadn’t already set up a GoFundMe for the specific purpose of retrieving the body,

I should add, I don’t think anyone should be trying to retrieve his body.  His family needs to live with the fact that their son died being incredibly stupid, and that putting others in danger (including the very residents of the island) to retrieve the body is selfish.

Without evidence to that effect, I can’t blame them. Plenty of serial killers have come from perfectly healthy, lovely families. People have free will. He chose to do this. I feel bad for his friends and family the same way I’d feel bad for any family whose child is killed. That said, I again think his family needs to

Apparently he missed “pride” as one of the seven deadly sins.

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

No hating on the baby leashes, please.

Someone else in the thread mentioned that their child has a heart condition. You can’t look at a child on the street and know if they have health issues so we should all probably pause before we decide the kid/parent is just lazy. 

I used to judge strollers, but now I have a kid with a heart condition who might need one for longer ventures at that age, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at her that she isn’t healthy. 

I hate people that are all judgy about baby leashes.  Leashed kids are not getting lost or into things and they’re getting exercise.  Much better than kids being trapped in a stroller (which is generally the other option for a hyperactive toddler).


what’s so wrong with being drunk that deserves punishment?

Reminds me of the old Robin Williams gag:

I don’t want to know how much I’ve spent on books I’ve yet to read...

“Teodora’s tragic story is a sad illustration of everything that is wrong with the justice system in El Salvador,...”

THIS is what we need to hammer home when pro-birthers talk about the unborn and sanctity of life. Being truly consistent in a “pro-life” manner means treating each and every miscarriage as a possible murder- after all, “someone” has died. The goalposts of this debate haven’t moved yet, the American pro-birth movement