Kaye Syrah Syrah

Jesus Christ, even Sarah Fucking Palin waited til she lost the election before she commenced to trying to make a post-relevancy buck as a carnival barker.

omg, me too. I was all WUT.

““a simple phone call,” affords these women, “wall-to-wall coverage with virtually no fact-checking ever,””

The Melania joke might’ve been funny coming from someone else — one of her kids, maybe (or at least one of the girls). But from Donald, it just underlined the fact that he cannot self-depracate. When faced with a situation where he had to, he chose instead to (further) humiliate a woman who a) didn’t have a mic / joke

The strapless floral number, holy shit.

sigh, and here I was, hatching a plan to steal your apartment.

If I were a Big at Frito-Lay, holy crap, I’d be filling a baggie of money to make this ad go.


Alas, I have but one star to give. Please tell me one of you four gave the toast?


which is why I’d be happy to get the dumb ol’WW lightbulb!!

I’m all in on this, except for the draping of wispy red/gold fabrics over the lamps.

I do not enjoy sex because i’m sad I keep melting the wisty polyester tops I been draping over the lampshade.

I too raised a glass at his departure, and trilled my ‘best wishes’! Celebrities -- they’re just like us!

Sarah Palin with worse hair.

And better eye makeup.

I try to think about her rationally, but I cannot get past someone with eyes that narrow, doing their eyeliner in that way.

And now I need Patron.

godDAMN. Thank you. Hoisted on their own logical extreme.