Kaye Syrah Syrah

Holy shit. He must be trying to aggravate Trump so he can be out of it.

Fuck that fucking bitch.

“the “gruff bellied” border patrol agent”?

If you step out to let’em off, you’re not a Door Troll.

I hope she destroys them all. And then I hope she goes away. Not a fan.

We lost someone to management idiocy very close to that, a couple weeks ago:

Christ. One hopes someone higher on the food chain than Manager, deals with this fool.

“What the hell happened in this country...”

Mocha’s totally side-eyeing.

I have got to get a lion ruff for Bea.

Beatrix is a feminist also. She doesn’t accept the gendered view of how a lady should sit...

I remember those! Is anyone still filling the dill-flavored boule with cream o’broccoli soup? I must have eaten a metric ton of that in the late 80's early 90's.

Finally, someone who agrees with me about New York Pizza. 24 years in this goddamned town, which I will leave in an urn because Stockholm’s Syndrome, and I have yet to have a slice of that stuff that wasn’t a floppy nonentity, with nothing cheese threatening to slide off into my lap. And no, that sawdust on the bottom

Any way they could do something about that ridiculous hair they’ve got her in?

I know that anecdotal evidence sucks balls as a method for developing reasonable opinions re: risk, but my 10-year old nephew was in a house where the other kid’s father killed himself in the den, leaving himself for them to find. And I knew the family of another kid who killed his little sister on accident playing

I’d be up for NY leaving the US. We could petition Canada to take us.

“festering Build-A-Bear Donald Trump”

That too, sure.

It’s a perfect moment.

I been hammered a lot of times. Way too many, possibly. And waaaay too hammered, for sure.