This was an important teaching moment.
For who? For the dog? For the assholes who are abusing the dog? Misconstrued?
What the even hell.
This was an important teaching moment.
For who? For the dog? For the assholes who are abusing the dog? Misconstrued?
What the even hell.
I’m pretty much done with North Carolina and all their asinine politicians. Let’s just ignore them, shall we? I mean, I’m fine never going there again, even though it has some very pretty parts.
And what color is her face in that photo up there?
I can’t find it on the Pantone Skin Tone Guide.
I am sure that Donald will put this in the “win” column for the US people.
It’s Gronks Word, and I don’t want to live in it.
Seriously, these assholes Legislative bill to ban gay marriage is because God said it was wrong. Seriously. Screw that separation between Church and State. They don’t give two beats of Christian Electronic Music to care about about the Constitution or equality for humans, or general human decency for anyone other…
Those reporters just look so sad to be there. There is still shock at the stupidity of Sean Spicer, but they seem resigned to the dumb.
This is Norbert and Junior. Norbert doesn’t do a lot. Junior recently cost me about $2200 in vet bills, but the radiation treatment (Iodine-131) for the growth in his thyroid did the trick and he is back to his regular annoying self.
I only fly a couple of times a year, normally American, but I do book about 10 flights a month for bosses and coworkers, and will do everything I can to make sure I am not booming United, or one of its carriers, and I will implore my Ops team to follow suit.
I don’t understand why Cernovich still has a Twitter account...
When I need a pick me up, I like to Google “Donnie Yen Abs.”
did we do this one yet?
What? Really?
Republican men have mothers, daughters, wives, granddaughters, that is it. Republican men have no female friends. As I see it, there is no reason any female not related to these assholes should have anything to do with them.
I couldn’t watch this episode, and I really wonder if I will keep watching. I was really horrified to see facebook friends “interested in” or attending Chris Brown’s stop on Seattle. What the hell?!
I do believe that redemption and rehabilitation can happen, but this man has never shown any ounce of realization or…
There is not nearly enough Atlanta traffic in that computer simulated anus opening video.
What Man did Mike Pence thank today in honor of Women Empowerment day?
The Southern thing that bothers me most is some of my friends kids have to call me “Ms. kathotodg.” I’m all “you can just call me kathotdog.” and they’re, “no, it doesn’t feel right.”
ugh - it is just so Driving Miss Daisy.
I wonder which state is going to get fired first for not pulling their weight with regards to sending $$ to DC, but still taking the most federal funds: Mississippi? West Virginia?
I can only hope that tonight 60 Minutes treats Mike Cernovich the same.