
I came across an article where he responded to questions about his elaborate game day outfits with something along the lines of 1) it’s part of his game preparation and something he just enjoys doing, and 2) fashion is a fun way for him to express his creativity and he feels like he’s setting a bit of an example for

Exactly. 😜

AI agree with you that women’s stories aren’t taking it as seriously. That said Nancy Meyers directs posh fluff and it would still be fluff if it were directed by a man. It’s well-made, well written and stylish fluff with beautiful set designs but it is not high art. Male directors who direct rom-coms don’t get hailed

I’m still mad about Olivia Munn going off at Go Fug Yourself. That blog is an utter joy, written with humour and wit and a keen knowledge of fashion, both current and retro. As noted, they critique only clothing- never bodies, never faces (though makeup is fair game). And it’s not people on the street they’re

I love his fashion. He seems to enjoy it & I do too. I actually chose him for my FF team because of his fashion. I came in #9 out of 10. 😂

There has been a history of labeling men’s storytelling work important and women’s fluff. Maybe that’s what was being addressed. We don’t take stories by women, for women as seriously. And I can’t imagine anyone doing the same kind of article for a serious male director. That’show it came across to me. Not that her

Our culture also actively discourages men from making close friendships with women. My husband’s close friends are mostly women (his closest male friend died very suddenly two years ago, we were a bit wrecked over that but nothing compared to his wife and kids, ugh) and I actively encourage him to hang out with them.

Sorry! Hit enter too soon, now I’m racing against time.

Our modern culture seems to actively discourage men from making close male friendships. Homophobia, toxic masculinity and other issues create situations where guys only have their partners for emotional outlets and yeah... that’s insanely damaging to a relationship! You HAVE to have people to talk to. Sometimes you

Totally starring that last sentence. It is fucking exhausting having to be the outlet for my husband’s needs because he’s too scared to make friends.

I have a broader, more threshold question—why did the WSJ feel the need to print such an idiotic op-ed? because I’m virtually certain it was not to expose this ignorant racist sexist dickhead for what he is. Are they afraid that seeing a First Lady with an actual education might be more than the average destabilized Cu

Like so many words, I think nappy can mean different things in different contexts. I think it’s about the intent. I have two children’s books with “nappy” in the title, and they’re celebrations of black hair - attempts to reclaim the word from its negative connotations, many of which have taken firm hold in the black

Well now, that’s just like Freud, isn’t it? And major respect for that bit of psychiatric history.

I was the lead role in my high school production of this! it was so fun - I never left the stage but the different operators would light up on either side of my bed/center stage. one of my favorite HS memories.

Barbara Stanwyck is my all time favorite actress and this is one of  her best performances and  helped her transition into grand dame type roles after her earlier sexier performances. It sucks how the great Agnes Moorhead got screwed on the movie casting though

I remember doing a live read-through of this in 5th grade reading class. 

An excellent film, one I always recommend when talking about how atmosphere and setting are more importing in suspense film-making than wiz-bang technical effects and gore.

Scariest movie I’ve ever seen (was maybe 8 when it aired on network television, before cable existed). So great. Nobody could play a rich-girl invalid like Barbara Stanwyck! I still think of it when I hear a train whistle anytime near 11:15pm.

I don’t think the Manhunter version of Hannibal is particularly deep (Cox has even said he played him as having an “absence” of a sense of right or wrong), but then he doesn’t need to be for that story. He’s a supporting character (the same is true in Silence of the Lambs, regardless of what the Academy said) the

TIL: I am an automatonophobe. Nice to know there is a word for it. I couldn’t even finish the Buffy one.