
i had a bar regular who would, when people started making weird big dick innuendo, tell his favorite joke:

I concur with many of the posters. Your mother may not want to burden you.

LOL.  Stephen King has observed that many horror stories are really tales of bad real estate investments:)

I don’t mean to quibble, but the reason that the American Bull Dog is chosen for this poster is because it has “American” in the name. The national dog of Russia is the Caucasian Shepherd: in Germany, it’s the Great Dane; in France, the poodle. The only example that’s aligned is the English Bulldog, which is the

There’s an old blog post by this dude, TerrierMan, that sums up my thoughts on what’s problematic about blind breed promotion that flies in the face of actual breed tendencies: 

I haven’t read anyone on here saying that pitbulls can’t be trained/are all bad. What i have read is someone suggesting that breeding matters (and it does—about 60-70% of a dog’s behavior is genetic ,which makes sense since we’ve bred dogs to do particular kinds of things. My doodles aren’t going to be used by dog

the first of the little rascals dogs, Pal, was poisoned; Hollywood rumor was that he bit the children he worked with once too often.  I have not read about the subsequent Peteys being poisoned or overly aggressive, though.

I went in to the Hot Coffee documentary expecting it to be a frivolous suit (thanks stand-up comics) and holy crap, the actual injury was staggeringly horrific and grotesque.  Poor woman

This is kind of like snailmail these days with Kinja shortcomings and my schedule. Maybe that’s the secrete agenda? Reminding us of the pleasure of waiting?

my reply is so, so late; I’ve been off AVClub/Jezebel/Etc. because of content and tech issues.

This is only tangentially related to your point, but I’m gonna share anyway. Every other year I teach a class on women directors, and the content skews towards women-centered narratives, too. My husband typically rewatches the films with me during the term.

I’m team Bernie, too.  I like my house to be a brisk 50 degrees at night, so I have the windows open 3/4 of the year.  60 is downright balmy.

you and my partner are, apparently, wonder twins:  he said the same thing.

I think you’d be surprised.  People have a right to do what they want with their dogs, which are considered property.  Many vets don’t have the energy to try to get the owner to surrender their pet instead of euthanizing it.

I’m pretty sure that these folks are lying mc-liars, but there is something called “sudden rage syndrome,” where a dog suddenly manifests extremely aggressive behavior. Both Bull Terriers and Springer Spaniels are genetically predisposed to this condition, which can be terrifying because heretofore lovely, gentle dogs

Okay, satire aside, I found this to be very informative. Did not know that mallards can mate with Indian Runners.  Very much appreciated all the visuals.

is liver and onions still a thing? Did this not die out with the silent generation?

Thanks for this very sensible post.

I love You Can Count on Me (first thing I ever saw Ruffalo in), and I agree that the narrative strategies of both films are similar, but I think the dramatic focus of Margaret is sufficiently different to warrant repeated screenings of both.

I think the person meant that given Brady’s circumstances—head injury that prevents him from doing the thing he loves, the death of Apollo, the scarcity of jobs on the reservation, the relative poverty of his family and his friends—the bit of hope at the end of the film was misplaced.