
As a person with size 14 feet, I want to say thanks to LD too. RIP.

She eats clay because she thinks it’s a good idea and also thought it was a good idea to say that she eats clay out loud to other human beings.

She seems nice.

This is seriously the scariest story I have ever read in my life!

Your story gave me a very clear mental image of something shaggy and vaguely humanoid creeping backward on all fours, and that image is terrifying!

Labrador retrievers inflict far more bites every year than pitties do

I don’t understand why people hate The Architect’s speech so much. It’s one of the more intriguing bits from the sequels. I guess it’s because no one gets kicked or punched or short for a good 5 minutes.

Elle Fanning in The Great. Perfect accent.

It’s one of the dadliest movies that ever dadded. 

Can we please get the notification links fixed? Can we get our notification links to actually highlight the comment when we click on them, rather than just taking us to the whole comments?

The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.

I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch

So this is truly baring my soul here, but I keep an ice pack in the freezer just for when I have trouble sleeping. Wedge it between your chest and a pillow and *bam* accelerated unconsciousness by mild core hypothermia.

The blue cotton blanket was weirdly specific but it didnt sound like it HAD to be that way. Just he had a preference.

We keep our window open pretty much all year round or the bedroom gets so stuffy it’s like trying to sleep in a giant toy dog ear.

99% chance he brings his own ziploc bag to take home the leftover nuts when he leaves.

At least in the play Romeo offed himself instead of running for Senate.

I’m not a prude, I have no problem with nudity or anything, but these just don’t look right- they’re aesthetically unpleasant.

I mean if it were up to me everyone would have to take a course to own a dog, there are way too many people doing the equivalent of euthanizing their dogs for no reason by not taking care of them/disposing of them on the side of the road/etc. We literally DO let people euthanize their dogs for stupid reasons, this is

He’s not “hoarding” wealth. He created it. He founded what under his leadership became one of the largest software empires in history and a little thing called Windows which runs the vast majority of desktop computers. (Among other things.)

And unlike a lot of very rich people, he created a huge non-profit foundation

Not dead but definitely dying I guess...