RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Nah. Its just that that book was written in like the70s and doesn’t take into account the HUGE structural changes the industry has gone through. Are there still predatory funeral homes? Sure, plus the inevitable issues with corporatized care. But at the end of the day, not all that many people want to donate their

Please keep in mind the industry has changed quite a bit since the book was written. Also, donation to science isn’t always the final step.

I’m not going to body shame, because that is whack, but I will suit shame the fuck out of her. From the awkward high waters( were they going for a capri?) To the poorly fit crotch and the jacket that seems both too large abd too small simultaneously, that is a Bad Suit.

I knew a guy in college who would take a kernel of truth and spin it into the most elaborate fantasies. He got on with the Disney intern program-*and was assigned to MICHAEL EISNER HIMSELF where he pitched ideas and, long story short; you’re welcome for Lilo and Stitch. It was incredible to just let him talk and see

Catan(I *know*) is the perennial fav, easy to pick up and hard to master. Great for the couples that dont come as regularly. We recently played Berrayal at Hill House and it was SO FUN. And a couple of weeks ago there was a train one? I wasnt that into it, but most people really liked it.

There are SO MANY awesome board games and the like out there now!

I find her less miscast than Kate Walsh who seems to be playing Parker Posey. Her and Mary J's stiffness in front of the camera ruin things for me 🤷‍♀️

Yeah, this is TN, and a "hon" or "darlin" is you know, a *thing*. Baby? GTFOH with that ish

He always looks like he’s JUST been hit in the face with a dodgeball. Kind of red, dumb and really dazed. How is he on tv?

In college at the divey college bar I used to go to, my friends and I would insert ourselves between skeevy guys and obviously uncomfortable girls with “hey, you’re in my chem class, right? Do you even know what the hell the professor was talking about?” Or something to that effect and when dude was like “ hey, I’m

Few things make me angrier in my day tham listening to the soft, informative voices on NPR news broken by his whiny, nasal, petulant screech.

I don’t think they have necessarily *made* or tested any, but I do believe  we probably already have a pretty decent idea/designs for far more advanced missiles. If we have known for decades that Russia was likely in violation, some one was already planning for this possibility

I mean, we still publicly have 70s era Patriot missiles. I don’t for a second believe that DARPA and other military development agencies don't have a whole file of missile designs they are just itching to roll out.  

Yeah, that’s like really wrong. Donate to suicide prevention organizations AND get them to professional help. I’m a corporate wage slave, I don’t know shit about psychology. Let your loved one know you care, you are there for them and you want them to talk to someone trained

I had a really bad breakup with Captain Morgan in college. 2 decades later, and even rum balls make me feel pukey

My husband and I watched the “Grim Sleeper” doc on Netflix and at least one detective used *NHI* for the crimes.No humans involved. I was so fucking disgusted.

See, now 18-2140 is a good color.  There's a Pantone I can get behind. 

The WORST taste!!

I mean, it's so Basic! You and that baby deserved better!

Oops! Typo- that’s what I get for trying to comment on a phone!