RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

ESPECIALLY in the Atlanta area. Dragoncon is pretty big from what I can remember.

Before the world ends, I recommend also taking some hipster “how to” classes. I know how to knit, crochet and can (because my depression/WW2 era Gramma taught me) and then as the do it yourself hipster movement happened I learned basic foraging and butchering. If the zombie/nuclear/pandemic Apocalypse happens, I’ll be

.....But also probably true?

I don’t want to appearance shame-but that dude looks like the”wacky/crazy” neighbor from a shitty sitcom.

Thank you. I always thought terrorism was specifically a federal crime. Plus, I wasn’t sure if any of the Patriot Act still had sway.

I’m clearly not a lawyer. How does a terrorism charge *work* in this context? If convicted- would he go to Federal Prison? Leavenworth? Guantanamo Bay? I’m not sure if this just adds another level of severity to the charge, or if it’s a whole other separate thing. My JD from Law and Order University did not prepare me

Ok. You go on and play resistance fighter, I’m going to continue to support the people who are running in local elections, the people who are working within the shitty system to change the system as a whole, the people who are working tirelessly and not giving up on a whole state because of an all or nothing

As an NC native, I hate seeing this outpouring of hate. NC asa population is not nearly as red as the guys in charge. The state government is shitty as hell, but it’s that way because the state has been gerrymandered to an obscene degree. NC has huge islands of liberal thought. Asheville, the Triad, Research Triangle.

Victoria was great! Made me want to hit it with Albert like an extinction level event, so well done!

Stealing the whale/blow me idea for socks.

Not just Tornadoes! This country is HUUUUGE! Shit happens to this giant landmass all the damn time. Hurricanes trying to wipe Florida off the map, earthquakes, forest fires, the Mississippi River floods relatively often.

God, right? I once got sucked into a total conspiracy theory wiki death spiral that got SO DEEP I didn’t get out until I hit a page linking Disney princesses to the Illuminati. Internet holes are weird.

Just finished a knit shawl, starting a new one soon!!

Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”

The lighting and the shiny big sleeve dress is giving me a real “galactic queen/hot alien conqerer” kind of feel and I love it! I hope we see more of the fun futuristic fashion stuff.

A friend of mine is a former Seal, and he is piiiiiisssssed about the failed raid in Yemen. I’ve been target shooting with him as well. There’s always a chance 45 will end in a red mist.

Call me when she gets those Jack McCoy brows

I have never read a Picoult book. Never even picked one up and dropped it after the first chapter. But then those types of books don’t interest me *at all*. My beach reads, brain candy books tend to be YA dystopian fiction, or pure high fantasy with swords and fairies and shit. Also, I once read a Dan Brown book on a

God- right? I mean, the insta/you tube makeup mavens look AMAZE but I’m like; when do you have the TIME man? Do you do this erry’ morning?

I’m making a bet right now that someone high up in the Trump administration (someone who’s tweets are regularly discussed in media) will drop a GoT spoiler.