Kate L.

Exactly. The book makes that part pretty explicit.

Totally dead, way dead

As a grown-up, I get why people rag on Book of Life's plot, but it's given my 5yo (who saw it and got obsessed at four) language to talk about death, which has turned out to be incredibly helpful. I recommend it a lot to other parents who are looking for movies to share with their kids to begin a non-theological

Best comment-section comment ever.

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Agreed. Wagerstein is the character I really actually revile.

I feel like about his teeth. His teeth were freaking me OUT. Are they real?

My Petra Hair Question is - what is her natural color? Eventually the dyed-brown hair will grow, and then will it be obvious that something is off?

The beginning of the episode was a conversation after her postpartum checkup, where they were discussing their BC options - either an IUD or a vasectomy - but they hadn't made a decision when the sex/possible-sex happened.

Well, so is he mad about Plan B because he thinks she fucked someone else, or is he mad about it because he thinks she got it after they had sex? That's the outstanding question for me.

Yeah, I like Molly and I like these recaps - and I LOVE this show - but I spend my days proofing and editing a colleague's blog posts, and reading this was…rough.

Guys, Alison Wright is SUCH A BABE. Someday television audiences will get to see this.

I'm pretty sure that was part of the joke? She'd referred to his Tae Kwon Do class earlier, but when she was all Insane at Paula, it ended up just, "HE SMELLS LIKE KARATE."

OMG THAT'S WHO THAT WAS. AMAZING, I am so glad you said this. It was making me CRAZY.

Re: gay contestants selling sex appeal:

I don't know, I think they're fading on Jessica (and she's fading in general, which bites, because I love her). I'd list the Actual Faves as (in no particular order):

I've been there - twice - and that look on her face and twist of her hands was EXACTLY what it's like to watch a contraction on a monitor and not feel a thing. Hashtag blessed.

And I mean, that album includes "H.W.C." It's not nearly as mainstream as people decided it was.

I love her like kittens