Kate L.


(Except Spotify keeps playing me Poe and I can't turn it off, so Tricky will have to wait.)

"Her rage in the song resonated with girls dumped by older guys who should have known better."

This was lovely, thanks for sharing it.

Maxinquaye! It is raining here today and that is a perfect album, so thank you for the reminder.

My husband (38) is just discovering Gillian Welch - he was listening to Primus and Pantera and a bunch of funk in the mid/late 90s - and it is ADORABLE.

I saw her (Phair) in 2003 or 2004 while she was touring for the self-titled album everyone hated, and I'm so glad I did. She knew everyone was shitting on the album and straight up did not care. She knocked her set out of the park and it was just about everything I wanted it to be.

I have an entire Spotify playlist of 90s women that I listen to at least weekly - all of the women you just listed are on it, with some K's Choice, Poe, and then some folkier stuff (Dar Williams!) thrown in. Being a teenage girl in the 90s was a pretty excellent time to be discovering music, and I wonder who my

I have occasional Tarantino Issues, but I will always be grateful to him for A) Death Proof and B) Zoe Bell. I have never really gotten over how incredibly underused she was in her six minutes on Lost.

You do not have nearly enough upvotes for that. Perfect.

I must have had the Whedonverse on the brain, because I thought he looked so much like Andy Hallett (Lorne on Angel). And then I got sad, because Andy Hallett died of congestive heart failure at 33, but I couldn't shake it for the rest of the episode.

She seems delightful, but all the errors (not hers) made me wince. Elizabeth Moss? Rachel Weiss? I know they just did the interview on Sunday, but surely Maxim can afford a decent copyeditor? ("And I translate. It's straining, I'm get exhausted")

Renee Elise Goldsberry is currently doing Hamilton off-Broadway and likely going with it to Broadway this summer. (Anyone have a sum of money lying around that they'd like to donate to send me to NYC to see it? I am DYING to.) I know Cumming is filming while also doing performing in Cabaret, but I wonder how much of

You're fine but you're simple

She's been on a few episodes of New Girl. As…the school nurse.

She's acted before, on My So-Called Life - she was the guidance counselor, Ms. Kryzowski.

I mean, am I the only one on the planet who hears someone reading a word in a language that is not their native tongue? People on FB and Twitter are all over her for the mispronunciation, but it seems completely clear to me that this is coming from someone whose first language is not English.