
Yup, I know people who weren’t (or didn’t seem to be) affected and people who were devastated (hands up). In hindsight, I wish I had felt like I was allowed to talk about it and not have to put on a brave face. I fee like I wasn’t allowed to have feelings and it was a really dark time.

I’ve crossed mine too :) I’m going to check back in with you tomorrow (if that isn’t too psychotic, haha).

I might be misreading, but that is basically exactly what the op did say. “Some things should remain private”, the thing in this instance being a pregnancy loss.

You know what? Neither you or I know the truth. Maybe they’re faking it but maybe they’re not and I’m not willing to call someone who might be truly grieving a liar. Miscarriages are fucking awful and I wish them well.

I’m really sorry for your loss - it’s been three years since mine and thinking about it still reduces me to a sobbing mess. I understand that pain and the absolute terror that sticks with you in following pregnancies. I had the same feelings when I got pregnant again - I didn’t enjoy most of it because I was so scared

Maybe it is fake, but in this case I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe the story. A miscarriage seems much more plausible than the toilet pregnancy test.

Then you likely should have used “This is why *I* would wait”. You can have whatever opinion you want and I can respond, that is how the comments section works.

It is - but it’s not any less so if you feel like you can’t tell anyone what’s happening.

Why does this need to be private? I wish that I had known that it was so common when I miscarried, saying that we should wait or that it’s private or shouldn’t be talked about it why so many people end up blindsided when it happens.

I don’t think it’s on you to decide how a person grieves or how long people should wait before they’re allowed to celebrate something exciting.


They’re vloggers - so basically their whole life is on the internet. I’ve been talking alot this week about how I’m happy to see an open conversation about miscarriage happening in the public - would you say that a vlogger talking about cancer or another medical condition was too personal?

this seems like a good place to ask: yes.xxx used to be kind of good. Now it seems like it was likely bought out by one of the bigger sites and instead of relatively women friendly videos it’s all face-fucking and the same old garbage.

CRIPES. That is gorgeous and A STEAL at $150. Buy it. BUY IT.

I was going to say that I bought a compact featuring it AGES ago and have never worn in. I can’t make it work, I look ridiculous when I try.

teeny tiny little pocket mini golf.

I do this when I want to spend money I don’t have. Internet shopping (without buying) is my vice. More abandoned shopping carts than the ditch beside the highway.

I don’t blame you one bit. When I brought it up we were both like “hahah! WHAT A RIDICULOUS notion!....there’s no way he’s ever be elected... I mean, they know better, right?... ... ... *nervous laughter*”

re: #2