
Last night we (Canadians) had our leader’s debate and while there was definitely bickering it wasn’t remotely as vicious or gross as what I’ve seen/read about the debate you all had last night. On one hand I’m like, holy shit - those americans are ENGAGED and on the other hand I’m like, fuck - am I ever glad it’s not


oh my gahd. My heart just grew three sizes. My kid is getting a grasp on things like this and I’m going to steal this. So sweet.

I was at a garden labyrinth this weekend and the guide explained it was a good way for “a-types” to meditate by walking through it because it feels like multi-tasking. I immediately thought of how much I love walking through ikea (we don’t have one anywhere near here, so it’s like a “once-every-five-years” type thing

My partner just assembled a bunch of ikea kids furniture and I’m convinced our kid is going to fall through the chair because there were screws/etc left over. He insists they’re just spares but I’m like ◔_◔

My brain is struggling to pronounce this.

I keep starting at this, contemplating which one I’d like most if I could just pick just one.

somewhere out there a MRA-group is trying to figure out how to spin this.


Every time I read one of these I am bummed my story never makes it.

I definitely had the skirt you described but I know I didn't get it at delias (shipping to Canada? STILL AS EXPENSIVE). I am pretty sure I had one in orange and one in blue.


I can’t edit my first post (which side note, is apparently my most controversial post ever.) but I just wanted to add that I can’t reply to this thread anymore - we’re now in the part of the thread life where the people who just want to fight about anything are coming out and you know what I don’t have it in me to do?

It is a bathroom. It smells like shit - my shit, your shit, baby shit - everybody poops.

We are just entering potty phase and I am always encouraged to see other parents make it through the process.


No! I feel like this article should be tagged as sponsored by whoever makes those bags. I can’t believe this is a thing. It’s not a thing, I refuse to aknowledge this as a real thing on the list of things parents should be worried about. There is SO MUCH to worry about, carrying around doggie doo doo bags is not one

I know it stinks. Poop stinks. It’s a fact of life. I have never been bothered by a stinky bathroom because that it where shit goes.

Yes. Any most parents wrap the diaper up tightly. Lingering smell is lingering smell.

You know when Bethany says you need to filter there might be an issue.