
I agree with this!

maybe if they built a big wall, that would keep the mosquitos out.

We haven’t had a password exchange ceremony, but we have a joint password manager so I could access his accounts if I wanted (and he could access mine). I suppose he could have some other email account that isn’t in the manager, but the day I start worrying about that is the day I’ve realized that there are some very

tou-can you not?

I’m actually indifferent towards both of them. I think they’re two childish people, who got into a childish pissing match and then one took his ball and went home.

Yes - She made a shitty “joke”, he retorted with a shittier “joke”, she made a better “joke” and then he got offended that she was “funnier” and didn’t actually want to have sex with him.

Telling someone that you hear she often gets sodomized absolutely opened the door there.

That was my first thought too - someone, somewhere is really embarrassed to have had a part in raising this little turd.

This is exactly what I always thought. I was really sad when I learned that it was just some dude thinking he could plant his lips wherever the hell he wanted.

Sometimes on articles like this it’s hard to tell the trolls from the honest to goodness, plain old assholes.

On behalf of Canada, I welcome anyone who loathes Trump enough to move. Hell, you can stay in my guestroom.

Right? I feel like the voice of martyred meat eaters is always very loud compared to the pretentious vegan voice. It’s almost as if the table have turned.

I was at a museum in Eindhoven and there was a wooden chess set. There were a few other places throughout the museum where you could interact with certain pieces and I had seen a couple sitting at the table and playing chess earlier.

Sexually transmitted pokemons

I did actually have the same thought but wasn’t sure if kids these days would get it.

No one cares about STDs anymore, now it’s all STPs.

Just today over lunch my coworker was saying that during a conversation with her sister last night, she was called “rude”. I made the mistake of asking why.

I would be an absolute disaster. I don`t want to assume that she`s there to lose weight, but if I were in her shoes (and in my case, I am trying to lose some weight) I know I would feel absolutely destroyed and might not ever leave the house again.

I was only scrolling through the comments to see if someone hadn’t suggested this already.

Right? Also, this isn’t the first time it’s been changed. That line you’re screaming over? It’s an edit. Chill out.