
To be honest, I had to run the english version through my mind to even pick out the line. French elementary school, so I didn't have the anglo version pounded in my head.


I consider myself to be a relatively informed Canadian and have not heard a peep about this... aside from right now.

Someone once told me that they were meant to hold your hair back (not necessarily tightly) but not leave the tell-tale pony tail indent if you ever wanted to take them out and leave your hair down. I think they do the trick for that (I have thick, wavy, wavy hair) but they definitely aren't meant for a tight hold.

the ironing.

it is creepy but still worth the watch... every time I see an article about it I have a little mental flash of him blinking and burping like a fucking creep.

That is a crossover I would definitely watch.

this...is just... unfortunate. The light is making her face look so flat.

My day will come! For now, I will just continue buying large sunglasses, nude lip colours and bathing in the blood of...

and a Khloe, Kylie and Kendall. There's a theme here.

Certainly not!


There's a lipstick I own (a MAC lip pencil called "innocent") that always makes me feel like I have what I call "kardashian lips". I was remarking to my partner that I felt like I was a Kardashian and he was just like "all I know about them is one of them was naked on the internet" and how she was famous for no

I am pretty sure you can add me to that list.

haha if it's popular/common in central Canada it should be making its way east... in 5-10 yrs.

fwiw, I started with the new one and was just like BOOM! YES! and then followed it immediately with that old one and had to shut it off.


In some parts of Canada. I'm on the east coast and have only ever seen that in a mall and the family change room at the Y.
