
Of all the things to be upset with eminem over, that's the kicker?

When I was 9 I wrote a love letter to Slash (yes, the guy in the top hat in guns and roses) and put it in the mail with a one cent stamp. It got returned, my parents read it, and were very concerned about my choices in musicians.

Everything tells me I should hate this dress, but I am in love with it.

it wasn't even as much about the money (because it's not like NB is that much better off) and more about the... attitude?

I miss the ferry. There was this bowling arcade style game that was awesome. We'd take a day trip to Moncton to buy school clothes.

What did I ever do to you, Pinkham? This was because I spoke about putting ketchup on eggs, isn't it?

I read it and got a little excited. I'M SORT OF FROM THERE.*


touché, touché, touché!

PEI is where I grew up, it is a magical place that is about 30 years behind everywhere else in Canada. It is also the home of potatoes. You know what makes a good poutine? Good potatoes.

I am not sure you understand what "minimal make up" and "perfectly slicked back" hair means.

I just googled "chipped beef on toast" because I'd never heard of it.

It's especially funny when you scroll down to right before the take over and they're all like "hoods on! We won't let these cowards take us down!" and then BOOM.

Can we stop with the "kill yourself" thing when we disapprove? It's just such a cruel thing to say.

Ouff, I am in. SO IN.

I was driving home yesterday and had the radio on, but tuned out. I clicked in when I heard them mention the real lack of sentencing and then put two and two together. Just devastating. I understand the publication ban in most cases, but I hate that the law is being used in this way. We all know who she is.


I only heard the story behind the book/song very recently, after a friend had a stillborn baby. That book already made me emotional before but now I can't even read it.

Seriously. I read the blurb on the main page before I opened the article in a new tab and was already misty-eyed. I passed over the video, read the statement and am already too close to weepy.

"Our concern here is not about innovation, it is about misleading labelling," a Unilever spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday. "We simply wish to protect both consumers from being misled and also our brand."